“National Weather Forecast for Sunday April 9: Heavy Rains and High Temperatures Expected in Multiple States”

“National Weather Forecast for Sunday April 9: Heavy Rains and High Temperatures Expected in Multiple States”

Written in NATIONAL he 9/4/2023 · 07:34 hs If you have plans for this day, don’t forget to go out with your umbrella, because in the weather today sunday april 9 intervals of showers to very heavy rains are forecast in 15 states. According to the National Meteorological Service (SMN), the cold front 47, a … Read more

Finally, a ‘sunbeam’! Weather forecast for this Friday, January 20 – El Financiero

Finally, a ‘sunbeam’!  Weather forecast for this Friday, January 20 – El Financiero

Cold or hot? Although cold front number 25 continues its passage through the east of the country and will generate rains in at least 11 regions of the country, fourteen other states will have temperatures above 30 degrees, reported the National Meteorological Service (SMN) of the National Water Commission ( With water). The cold front … Read more