Texas. Brain-eating amoeba leads to ban on water consumption

Texas.  Brain-eating amoeba leads to ban on water consumption

“To the city of Lake Jackson, not Brazoria County, Texas, faces significant threats to life, health and property due to contaminated drinking water”, Warned local authorities in an urgent request sent to the governor of that state, Greg Abbott, for him to issue an emergency declaration. “The impact of this threat is severe. Potential damages … Read more

Image: 130 years ago, a flood killed in Prague. She also tore down the arches of Charles Bridge

Image: 130 years ago, a flood killed in Prague.  She also tore down the arches of Charles Bridge

Half past five in the morning on September 4, 1890. The flooded ruins grip the pillars of Charles Bridge in Prague so powerfully that the Gothic gem cannot withstand the pressure. Two arches collapse. Four hours later, another crashes. At that moment, several people end up in the predatory waters of the flooded Vltava. They … Read more