Kherson’s Safe Water Supply from Artesian Wells Amid Dangers of Flooded Regions

Kherson’s Safe Water Supply from Artesian Wells Amid Dangers of Flooded Regions

“Water is supplied from artesian wells located at a depth of 60-100 meters. And they have nothing to do with the Dnieper water,” he explained. Prokudin noted that water, which is centrally supplied to the residents of Kherson, undergoes special treatment with sodium hypochlorite. Thus, dangerous pathogens, bacteria and fungi are destroyed. The city water … Read more

Using Moisture Probes to Estimate Nitrate Drainage and Washout

Using Moisture Probes to Estimate Nitrate Drainage and Washout

Francesc Ferrer (Dr. Agronomist Engineer) gives a brief explanation of How can drainage and nitrate leaching be estimated from moisture probe data? in a TRANSFER platform seminar He TRANSFER project, is a cooperation project financed within the framework of the PDR 2014-2020 of the Government of Aragon. Funded by the Government of Aragon and EAFRD. … Read more