Boeing 737 MAX re-authorized to fly in Europe

Boeing 737 MAX re-authorized to fly in Europe

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) announced on Wednesday (January 27th) that it had given the official green light for the return to flight in the European skies of the Boeing 737 MAX, nailed to the ground for 22 months after two fatal accidents. “After a thorough analysis by EASA, we have determined that the … Read more

Home loan / mortgage for nurse finance

Good evening, I am new to the forum and I would like to answer the following tricky request. I hope you have a few tips and suggestions for me: My father has recently been in need of care (dementia) and lives alone in a single-family house (value approx. 200,000 euros) We would like to make … Read more

«They do not want us to renew our rental contract and we are left on the street. I’m overwhelmed”

«They do not want us to renew our rental contract and we are left on the street.  I’m overwhelmed”

“I’m overwhelmed. Why don’t you want to renew my contract? Who speaks is Miguel Ángel Medrano, who together with his wife, Oliva, will see each other on the street in a few days. This married couple of 78 and 75 years old, she is ill with lung cancer, guaranteed her son’s mortgage loan with her … Read more

Seo Young-eun, a memorial song of tears for the late Park Ji-seon.. “In fact, I didn’t want to sing’Western Sky'”[TV▶플레이]

Seo Young-eun, a memorial song of tears for the late Park Ji-seon.. “In fact, I didn’t want to sing’Western Sky'”[TV▶플레이]

[스포츠조선닷컴 정유나 기자] Seo Young-eun fills the stage with a voice of consolation towards the late Park Ji-seon. In the 14th episode of MBN’s’Life Reversal Music Game Show-Lotto Singer’ (hereinafter’Lottery Singer’/Director Ilyong Yoo), broadcast on the 2nd (today), 6 of the 12 singers who survived the Song War of Yong Ho Sang-bak are revealed, and … Read more

Criminal charges against Kölliker for wearing a mask

Criminal charges against Kölliker for wearing a mask

The St.Gallen public prosecutor’s office has received several criminal charges against government councilor Stefan Kölliker. The reason: the mask requirement in upper school. “I am hereby filing a complaint against Government Councilor Stefan Kölliker, in his function as head of the education department of the canton of St.Gallen,” begins the document that was leaked to … Read more

Large investors are preparing to strengthen themselves in alternatives after the Covid | Markets

Large investors are preparing to strengthen themselves in alternatives after the Covid |  Markets

At a difficult time to extract profitability from financial assets, it is precisely the high returns offered by alternative assets that are the hook to attract large institutional investors. Investors surveyed by Yielco state that their expectations of returns on their investments in venture capital are 12.75%, 7.25% for infrastructure and 6.4% in private debt. … Read more

“Coronavirus” is Sign of the Year 2020

“Coronavirus” is Sign of the Year 2020

Sign language – The Swiss Association of the Deaf has chosen “Coronavirus” as Sign of the Year 2020. It is noteworthy that the same sign for “coronavirus” has established itself in a wide variety of sign languages ​​worldwide, it said on Tuesday. Despite small variations in the execution, the idea for the gesture is the … Read more

Russia develops animal vaccine | Abroad

Russia develops animal vaccine |  Abroad

Russia – After corona outbreaks on several mink farms in Europe, Russia is developing its own vaccine for animals. The vaccine should be available at the end of January, said the head of the agricultural inspectorate, Rosselkhoznadzor, Sergei Dankwert, of the Russian specialist magazine “Veterinär und Leben” The European Union, the USA and Singapore have … Read more

nursing homes want guidelines on obtaining consent from seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s

nursing homes want guidelines on obtaining consent from seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s

SANTE The government must clarify, from a legal point of view, who will be empowered to authorize the vaccination against Covid-19 of an elderly person with cognitive disorders, the union representing private retirement homes asked on Tuesday. – Posted 12/8/2020 at 4:00 p.m. — This issue must be resolved before the launch of the large-scale … Read more

Remaster of the trilogy close to the official announcement / CD-Action

Well, it all fits together logically. First, a Korean rating agency evaluates the content Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Then Electronic Arts at today’s meeting with investors talks about a mysterious remaster (the premiere of the latter is to take place before April 1, 2021). Finally, industry journalists heat up the atmosphere ahead of tomorrow’s N7 … Read more