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Vox calls for a law to limit the capacity of Twitter and Big Tech similar to that of Poland

Vox calls for a law to limit the capacity of Twitter and Big Tech similar to that of Poland

The question of the influence of big technology has reached Europe and, specifically, Spain. Coinciding with the vote on European funds in the Congress of Deputies, the social network Twitter blocked the official Vox account. Many of the party leaders of Santiago Abascal they have denounced this censorship. The same day and at the same … Read more

Shocking: Covid loans often flow in full, missed those to be rented out? Look online at

Shocking: Covid loans often flow in full, missed those to be rented out?  Look online at

Bumpy: Covid loans often flow in full to closed restaurants, gyms and clothing stores to rent. In order to cover their fixed costs, many businesses and SMEs have taken out a corona loan. “Kassensturz” research shows: Many companies need the full Covid loan for rent. The real estate companies keep themselves so harmless in the … Read more

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