PP Domina los Ayuntamientos: Así Queda el Mapa Electoral Después de las Elecciones Municipales del 28M

sorprendido a muchos. ​De ‍esta manera, el⁤ PSC recupera la alcaldía⁤ de Barcelona después ‍de ‍ocho‌ años ​en ⁤manos de Ada Colau y Barcelona ⁢en Comú. A pesar de‌ esta victoria en Barcelona,‌ el PSOE ⁢ha ​sufrido un duro golpe⁢ en estas elecciones municipales.‌ El⁤ partido ha​ perdido la mayoría ⁤en la mayoría de las … Read more

The right leads the intention to vote in Spain | Hard proselytizing fight a week before the general elections

The right leads the intention to vote in Spain |  Hard proselytizing fight a week before the general elections

One week before the general elections in Spain, the opposition Popular Party (PP) is positioned as the closest political group to reach the majority of the votesaccording to the polls, which would allow him to form the new Congress. The conservative PP arrives at these elections with the impulse that his victory in the regional … Read more

Provisional Data of Municipal Elections in Pulpí: Discrepancy between Official Results and Ministry of the Interior

Provisional Data of Municipal Elections in Pulpí: Discrepancy between Official Results and Ministry of the Interior

The provisional data of the municipal elections in Pulpí offered by the Ministry of the Interior could be erroneous. According to those figures, They can be consulted on the official website of 28-Mthe Popular Party would have obtained 10 councilors, the PSOE 6 and VOX 1. But the figures do not coincide with those offered … Read more

Protests Emerge as Vox Party Threatens Music Shows in Asturian

Protests Emerge as Vox Party Threatens Music Shows in Asturian

Sara Álvarez Rouco before the Gijón City Council. Vox’s declarations of its intention that – now that the party will take over the Festejos department – ​​the city does not host music shows in Asturian has put a large part of the region’s artistic union on alert. A group of professionals linked to Asturian music, … Read more

Major Changes in Spanish Municipal Power: PP and Vox Gain Ground in Provincial Capitals

Most of the town councils in Spain have been constituted this Saturday after the 28M elections, marking a significant change in the municipal power across the country. One of the biggest surprises occurred in Barcelona, where the ‘municipalities’ of Ada Colau and the PP managed to make the socialist Jaume Collboni the mayor in a … Read more

Javier Toquero: Vox’s Candidate for Mayor of Guadalajara

Javier Toquero: Vox’s Candidate for Mayor of Guadalajara

Javier Toquero after four years as a councilor in the Guadalajara city council with Vox, goes from second to leading the list of municipal ones. Javier Toquero, Vox/Vox candidate Javier Toquero, Vox’s candidate for mayor of Guadalajara, studied as a child in Rufino Blanco, is married and is the father of two children. Although he’s … Read more

Vox presents over 50 candidates in Guadalajara for upcoming elections

Vox presents over 50 candidates in Guadalajara for upcoming elections

He reports that more than fifty applications have been submitted in the province. From left to right: Iván Serrano, candidate for Cortes CLM; Javier Toquero, candidate for the Guadalajara city council; the national deputy José María Sánchez and David Moreno candidate for the presidency of CLM. Photo GUdiary. On Sunday morning, Vox presented its candidates … Read more

“National Vox leader Santiago Abascal to hold rally in Guadalajara ahead of regional elections”

“National Vox leader Santiago Abascal to hold rally in Guadalajara ahead of regional elections”

Within campaign events Abascal gave a rally in 2019 in the Buero and due to the lack of space he went outside to greet those who had not been able to enter / GU Diario Within the electoral campaign for the regional elections of 28 M, the national leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, will visit … Read more

Provisional Lists of Parties for Municipal Elections in Guadalajara: Falange, PACMA, and Numerous Independent Parties

Provisional Lists of Parties for Municipal Elections in Guadalajara: Falange, PACMA, and Numerous Independent Parties

Highlights: Falange presents itself in Marchamalo, PACMA in the capital, and there are numerous independent parties The elections will be on May 28. He Official Gazette of the Province publishes today the provisional lists of the parties that are presented to the municipal elections of 28 M. Some lists that show a large number of … Read more