Quiz “Constitution is me!” in the Irkutsk region June 27: who received the prizes

Quiz “Constitution is me!”  in the Irkutsk region June 27: who received the prizes

For three days now, voting on amendments to the Constitution has been going on in the polling stations. And already traditionally, three days in a row, at the end of the day, it’s time to determine the winners of the next quiz “The Constitution is Me!” in the Irkutsk region on June 27. This quiz … Read more

Municipal: in Marseille, LR thunders the voices of the Lord

Municipal: in Marseille, LR thunders the voices of the Lord

“Go see Notre-Dame-de-la-Compassion…” José Allegrini drops his little sentence, a smirk. It has already been half an hour, Monday, that all that Marseille has journalists listen to the former president of the city, candidate on the lists of Martine Vassal. The invitation stated that “Martine Vassal’s team” was finally going “To provide other insights in … Read more

Giunta Senato says no to the Salvini trial. IV does not participate in the vote – Politics

Giunta Senato says no to the Salvini trial. IV does not participate in the vote – Politics

With 13 votes in favor of the report of the president, Maurizio Gasparri (FI), 7 against and 3 senators who did not participate in the vote, the Senate Immunity Committee rejected the request for authorization to proceed against the former minister of the Matteo Salvini on the Open Arms case. Among the 13 votes in … Read more

United States. Biden regrets saying black is “not black” if he thinks he’s voting for Trump

United States. Biden regrets saying black is “not black” if he thinks he’s voting for Trump

Democratic White House candidate Joe Biden said on Friday that he regretted his remarks “Annoying” after having caused an uproar by telling a radio host that he was “Not black” if he thought about voting for his rival Donald trump in November. “I shouldn’t have been so casual”said the former vice president of United States, … Read more

Trump Accents His Campaign Against Mail Voting By Threatening Two States

Trump Accents His Campaign Against Mail Voting By Threatening Two States

Washington, United States. The American President, Donald trump, threatened this Wednesday with “withholding” federal funds to two key states in the presidential election next November, Nevada and Michigan, for their plans to facilitate voting by mail for security reasons during the pandemic of the COVID-19. In two tweets, Trump he took a new step in … Read more

The importance of the territory in the vote: the case of Vox | Spain

The importance of the territory in the vote: the case of Vox | Spain

Not all votes count the same. It has been said many times that some provinces offer “cheap” seats, because they are obtained with fewer votes. But the distribution can also provoke other carambolas, such as that thousands of votes in Alicante or Cádiz are irrelevant (if no deputy moves) and that a single vote in … Read more

Referendum on the cutting of the Chambers Suspended the date, we go towards the postponement

Referendum on the cutting of the Chambers Suspended the date, we go towards the postponement

After the closure of schools, to arrive today the decision on another hot topic of the moment, the postponement of the referendum confirming the cut of parliamentarians, scheduled for March 29. The Council of Ministers, convened for this morning, has decided to suspend the referendum, having until March 23 to decide the date by which … Read more

The Supreme fails again in favor of Trump in immigration and internal criticism emerges | U.S

The Supreme fails again in favor of Trump in immigration and internal criticism emerges | U.S

The Supreme Court has removed the last obstacle that stood in Trump Administration plans to deny residence permit (green card) to those immigrants who are considered to be, at some point, an economic “burden” for the State, by requiring public medical assistance or assistance for housing or food. With the ruling, the rule that will … Read more

Sanders fights in South Carolina for the black vote that resisted him in 2016 | U.S

Sanders fights in South Carolina for the black vote that resisted him in 2016 | U.S

The blunt victory in the caucus from Nevada this past weekend seems to signal the arrival of the time of the all against Bernie Sanders in the overcrowded race for the Democratic nomination. The next stop of the primary elections will be on February 29 in southern South Carolina, where the senator enters uncertain waters … Read more