Lack of this vitamin may complicate coronavirus

Lack of this vitamin may complicate coronavirus

Irish scientists have found that vitamin D can protect the body from coronavirus. Deficiency of this vitamin weakens human immunity and makes him more susceptible to infection with COVID-19. If the sun not enough, vitamin D can be found in foods. – – – Vitamin D plays an important role in the fight against respiratory … Read more

remember to take vitamin D during confinement

remember to take vitamin D during confinement

Posted on Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 7:46 p.m.— This is a recommendation from the CHU de Liège. Confinement, although it saves lives, may lower the blood level of vitamin D. – – Vitamin D is synthesized naturally by exposure of the skin to solar UVB rays and without exposure to the sun, deficiencies can … Read more

Green tea strengthens your immune system – also important in times of corona (COVID-19)

Green tea strengthens your immune system – also important in times of corona (COVID-19)

Green tea strengthens the immune system thanks to vitamin C, caffeine and the catechin EGCG -I. What is green tea? Green tea, like black tea, comes from the Camellia sinensis tea plant. The important thing about green tea is that it is not fermented. This means that green tea is heated briefly after picking to … Read more

Every third German has a low value

Every third German has a low value

How important is vitamin D for our health? This is the subject of heated debate among doctors. Some swear by vitamin D cures, others consider this an unnecessary trend. How is the vitamin D supply in Germany? Vitamin D is the only vitamin that the body can make itself. The so-called endogenous synthesis takes place … Read more

Germans suffer from low levels of sun vitamin

Every third German has a low value

How important is vitamin D for our health? This is the subject of heated debate among doctors. Some swear by vitamin D cures, others consider this an unnecessary trend. How is the vitamin D supply in Germany? Vitamin D is the only vitamin that the body can make itself. The so-called endogenous synthesis takes place … Read more

Many Germans suffer from a lack of sun vitamin

Every third German has a low value

How important is vitamin D for our health? This is the subject of heated debate among doctors. Some swear by vitamin D cures, others consider this an unnecessary trend. How is the vitamin D supply in Germany? Vitamin D is the only vitamin that the body can make itself. The so-called endogenous synthesis takes place … Read more

Vitamin D strengthens immunity and protects against infection

Vitamin D strengthens immunity and protects against infection

A recent scientific study supervised by American researchers from Oregon State University revealed the role of vitamin D in preventing infection, and tests indicated that treatment with vitamin D can significantly reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria in cutaneous wounds, in addition to that it is used Also in promoting the prevention of fractures besides … Read more