How long can you spend in the sun to get the most vitamin D?

How long can you spend in the sun to get the most vitamin D?

Sunlight is the largest source of vitamin D, as the body needs it in a specific amount to perform various functions, but although sunlight is available to us in abundance, the vast majority of people around the world suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Moreover, we cannot Get enough of these nutrients from food, and in … Read more

Hani Al-Nazer calls for preserving this vitamin in the body before winter

Hani Al-Nazer calls for preserving this vitamin in the body before winter

Appealed to dr Hani Al Nazer Consultant dermatologist and former head of the Research Center, it is necessary to ensure the level of vitamin D in the body. Al-Nazer added, through a post on his official account on the social networking site Facebook, that we must all make sure of the level Vitamin D In … Read more

This vitamin prevents you from winter diseases .. Be careful of it

This vitamin prevents you from winter diseases .. Be careful of it

09:00 AM Friday 16 October 2020 – Winter is associated with some seasonal illnesses, such as influenza and colds, respiratory infections and even feelings of depression.The sun’s rays are absent for a long time in the winter season in many countries, which deprives many of the vitamin D that helps support the immune system, which … Read more

A miracle for Corona patients … A study reveals a type of vitamin that protects against organ failure

A miracle for Corona patients … A study reveals a type of vitamin that protects against organ failure

New studies show that vitamin D can work wonders for sick people Corona Virus COVID-19, both in managing symptoms and in preventing infection.- According to the timesofindia website, that is among the patients Corona infection COVID in hospital, 20 people have developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and need to be admitted to the intensive … Read more

What is the relationship of vitamin “D” to the Corona virus? … A doctor answers

What is the relationship of vitamin “D” to the Corona virus? … A doctor answers

8:00 AM Saturday 10 October 2020 – Amid local and international warnings of a second wave of the Coronavirus “Covid 19”, it is imperative that we adhere to preventive measures from wearing a muzzle during gatherings, to wash hands and maintain social distancing, in addition to paying attention to vitamins that strengthen immunity. Anesthetist, Sergey … Read more

Beware .. Vitamin D deficiency can cause obesity .. Know the warning symptoms

Beware .. Vitamin D deficiency can cause obesity .. Know the warning symptoms

The human body needs a long list of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates every day to function properly, and deficiency of these nutrients can lead to a variety of health problems, for example vitamin D is necessary to maintain healthy bones and teeth as well as to maintain The strength of your immune … Read more

Vitamin D has the potential to reduce the risk of death from Corona

Vitamin D has the potential to reduce the risk of death from Corona

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) found insufficient evidence to suggest that vitamin D provide positive support to the patient Covid-19. The results of the study stated that the consumption of sufficient vitamin D resulted in a number of infected individuals corona virus and is being cared for … Read more

New Evidence, Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Death in Covid-19 Page all

New Evidence, Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Death in Covid-19 Page all – A new study shows, people by level vitamin D enough in his body is likely to have risk of death lower, when hospitalized because of Covid-19. Launch Medical News Today, research published in the journal PLOS ONE this appears to be of benefit to doctors working to reduce the Covid-19 death rate, before … Read more

Vitamin D deficiency increases the chances of obesity and fat accumulation

Vitamin D deficiency increases the chances of obesity and fat accumulation

A research study conducted by researchers at the University of North Carolina State University in America revealed that Vitamin D deficiency It can lead to obesity, as researchers have found that vitamin D deficiency during early development can disrupt the metabolic balance between growth and fat accumulation. Using a zebrafish model, the study suggests, published … Read more