You don’t have to get vitamin D through supplements, this is the easy way to get it!

You don’t have to get vitamin D through supplements, this is the easy way to get it!

loading… JAKARTA – Vitamin D much needed in this time of pandemic. Vitamin D, is very important for body function. Starting from helping strengthen muscles, fighting inflammation, preventing diabetes, to the most important thing right now is maintaining the body’s immunity. As we know, the immune system is very important during the Covid-19 pandemic like … Read more

“Vitamin C can be consumed without restrictions, but excessive consumption of vitamin D can hurt us.”

“Vitamin C can be consumed without restrictions, but excessive consumption of vitamin D can hurt us.”

The nutritionist, Mihaela Bilic, draws attention to the differences between vitamin C and vitamin D, which are widely recommended for strengthening immunity, especially during this period. The nutritionist says that while vitamin C can be consumed without restrictions, excess vitamin D intake can hurt us.Vitamin C is extremely unstable and to meet the daily requirement … Read more

Indonesia’s corona case is another record, here are 4 vitamins for body resistance

Indonesia’s corona case is another record, here are 4 vitamins for body resistance

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. New cases of Corona in Indonesia are increasingly exploding and again breaking records. Launching data from the Covid-19 Task Force, as of Wednesday (23/6) there were an additional 15,308 new cases of corona infected in Indonesia. This brings the total to 2,033,421 positive cases of Corona. So, stay disciplined in carrying out … Read more

, Health Talk of Azra Hospital, The Importance of Vitamin D25 OH for the Body

, Health Talk of Azra Hospital, The Importance of Vitamin D25 OH for the Body

This Health Talk is a regular program of the Azra Hospital related to the culture of healthy living REPUBLIKA.CO.ID BOGOR-RS Azra Back to implement Health Talk on Instagram Live themed Importance Vitamin D with the resource person, dr. Roy Panusunan Sibarani, Sp.PD-KEMD, FES Internal Medicine Specialist Consultant for Endocrine, Metabolic, Diabetes RS Azra and guided … Read more

Reasons for Compulsory Vitamin D Supplements for Covid-19 Patients

Reasons for Compulsory Vitamin D Supplements for Covid-19 Patients – Covid-19 patients need the intake of nutrients and vitamins to increase immunity. One of them is necessity vitamin D which plays an important role in maintaining and increasing body immunity. The Association of Internal Medicine Specialists has recommended vitamin D as one of the nutrients that Covid-19 patients must receive during treatment. “There … Read more

What is the truth about theories that promote vitamin D as a miracle cure for Covid-19

What is the truth about theories that promote vitamin D as a miracle cure for Covid-19

As Covid-19 began to affect the world, so did misinformation about how to treat the disease. Sometimes misinformation can even arise from ideas that have a grain of truth – then it is the most difficult to approach. – There are many treatments that have been said to be effective in Covid-19. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and … Read more

Importance of Calcium, Potassium and Vitamin D in Child Growth

Importance of Calcium, Potassium and Vitamin D in Child Growth

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Most of the children stop drinking milk at 2 years of age and the percentage is insufficient calcium in children decreases dramatically after that age. According to nutritionist Emilia Achmadi, intake of vitamin D and potassium is also low in children aged 2-11 years, and both of these ingredients are available in … Read more

5 signs in the eyes that tell you of a lack of vitamin “D” … including redness and light sensitivity

5 signs in the eyes that tell you of a lack of vitamin “D” … including redness and light sensitivity

Vitamin “D” is one of the important vitamins that affect public health, so its deficiency may harm your body in general. A report published on the Express website confirmed that there are some signs that are indicative of a lack of vitamin “D” inside your body, especially the eyes, as there are 5 signs in … Read more