You can only score these vitamins with a significant discount in January

You can only score these vitamins with a significant discount in January

PeopleImagesGetty Images Surely you have noticed: it is cold and many people have a cold or the flu. So it’s high time to give your resistance a helping hand. Especially in winter it is smart to pay extra attention to this. Good news, because we found a super deal for you. At Holland & Barrett … Read more

“The more obese people are, the less effective vitamin D intake” : Donga Science

“The more obese people are, the less effective vitamin D intake” : Donga Science

Harvard Medical School-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital research team Courtesy of Getty Images Bank There is something that is not missing from the holiday gift preference survey. it’s just nutrients. In particular, vitamin D is essential for height growth in children and teenagers and is also related to immunity, so it is also popular among … Read more

Colors of the homeland | Reasons that prevent the body from absorbing vitamin D. A nutrition consultant explains how to avoid it

Colors of the homeland |  Reasons that prevent the body from absorbing vitamin D. A nutrition consultant explains how to avoid it

​ Vitamin D is of great importance to the health of the body, as it maintains the health of bones and teeth and the strength of concentration, but there are reasons that prevent the body from absorbing this vitamin and thus depriving it of its benefits, which we review in the next report, with an … Read more

Eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D helps to get rid of the “rumen”

Eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D helps to get rid of the “rumen”

The “Daily Express” website revealed that one study in 171 adults found that a combination of supplements can reduce visceral fat in people who are overweight or obese.. Unlike subcutaneous fat, which is found directly under the skin, visceral fat is stored deep in the abdomen. A certain amount of it is necessary because it … Read more

World’s 2nd Largest Epidemic! Osteoporosis Is Serious And Fatal, Doctors Teach 4 Ways To Prevent It-Health-China Times News

World’s 2nd Largest Epidemic! Osteoporosis Is Serious And Fatal, Doctors Teach 4 Ways To Prevent It-Health-China Times News

Osteoporosis is known as the “chronic silent killer” and has been listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the second most prevalent disease in the world after cardiovascular disease. Orthopedic physician Chen Yuhong pointed out that after the age of 50 , the bone quality will decrease. It will start leaking continuously, making people … Read more

Constant tiredness can be a sign of type 1 diabetes

Constant tiredness can be a sign of type 1 diabetes

Not only genetics, but also environmental factors are “involved” in a person’s diabetes condition. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Do you often feel tired? Warning, persistent tiredness can be a sign that you have type 1 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association says that in 2019 nearly 1.9 million Americans have it type 1 diabetes of which about … Read more

Body Health Vitamin D Facts You Need to Know: Preventing High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

Body Health Vitamin D Facts You Need to Know: Preventing High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

AA TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – Vitamin D is a lipid solution supplement that can help the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Vitamin D formation in the body is assisted by exposure to sunlight and is found in different types of foods. Vitamin D deficiency can cause serious illness. Baca: Knowing the function of vitamin … Read more

You are at risk of vitamin D deficiency this winter.. Know what to do

You are at risk of vitamin D deficiency this winter.. Know what to do

It is estimated that a large percentage of people are vitamin D deficient and that more of them may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency during the winter months due to shorter days and less sunlight produced by our skin , known as “vitamin D”. when exposed to sunlight. Because we get it from … Read more

Despite the abundance of sunlight, why are Indonesians still deficient in vitamin D?

Despite the abundance of sunlight, why are Indonesians still deficient in vitamin D?

TIME.CO, Jakarta – One way to prevent that from happening vitamin D deficiency is to get food sunlight enough for the skin. Even so, Indonesia, a country very rich in sunlight, lacks it vitamin D they remain vulnerable to the community. Because? Indonesia is a tropical country located near the equator. This causes the sun … Read more