Jane Fonda, Yoga, and Pumping Iron: The 1970s Revolution That Redefined Fitness

Jane Fonda, Yoga, and Pumping Iron: The 1970s Revolution That Redefined Fitness

Jane Fonda’s Workout: The Revolution That Changed Fitness Forever “I think of women’s fitness history as B.J. and A.J. — Before Jane and After ⁣jane,” Ken alan, a kinesiologist who taught aerobics in the 1970s, said in a 2020 interview.This statement encapsulates ‍the⁢ seismic shift in fitness culture brought about by Jane ​fonda, a trailblazer … Read more

Supermarket Quiz: Can You Spot Ultra-Processed Foods?

Supermarket Quiz: Can You Spot Ultra-Processed Foods?

The Ultra-Processed⁣ Food Debate: What ​You need to Know The debate ⁣surrounding ​ultra-processed foods is heating up, and for good reason. These foods, often⁣ laden⁤ with⁣ additives and lacking in essential nutrients, are increasingly linked to various health problems. But what exactly constitutes an ultra-processed food, and how ‍can you navigate the supermarket aisles to … Read more