Flu Vaccine Campaign: Over 1,000 Children Vaccinated in First Three Weeks

Flu Vaccine Campaign: Over 1,000 Children Vaccinated in First Three Weeks

More than a thousand children between 6 months and 5 years old (1,021, specifically) have received the flu vaccine in the first three weeks of the campaign, according to official data from the Ministry of Health. This means that just over 9% of children of these ages have already responded to the invitation to protect … Read more

Why Does the Cold Season Favor the Spread of Colds and Influenza?

Why Does the Cold Season Favor the Spread of Colds and Influenza?

As many will know, the cold favors the appearance of colds, because of the routines we acquire indoors and, according to some studies, because our body is more sensitive to contagion. The clear example is the rhinovirus, which is the main cause of colds. Now, why does this cold appear? From Meteoredhere I tell you. … Read more

Director of WHO’s Middle East Office Discusses Possibility of Deadlier Virus than COVID-19

Director of WHO’s Middle East Office Discusses Possibility of Deadlier Virus than COVID-19

Al-Marsad newspaper: Director of the World Health Organization’s office for the Middle East, Dr. Hanan Balkhi, commented on whether the world is facing a virus more deadly than the Corona virus “COVID-19”. Balkhi told Al-Ekhbariya channel: Approximately 60 or 70 percent of emerging diseases come from animal sources. She continued: Over the entire period of … Read more

Experts Debunk the Need for Toilet Paper on Public Toilet Seats

Experts Debunk the Need for Toilet Paper on Public Toilet Seats

Pharmacists remind that toilet paper in public toilets absorbs moisture and traps dirt, and padding the toilet will have the opposite effect. (Image/Pixabay) There are many inconveniences in going to public restrooms outside. One netizen shared his personal experience. He said that he had a stomachache and his stool was rolling out. When he went … Read more

Study Shows HIV-Infected Individuals Can Prevent Cardiovascular Disease with Hyperlipidemia Medication

Study Shows HIV-Infected Individuals Can Prevent Cardiovascular Disease with Hyperlipidemia Medication

Money Today Reporter Lee Chang-seop | 2023.10.29 11:04 People infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, can now live until the age of 80 As life expectancy increases, the threat of cardiovascular disease… Effects of statin drugs Attention is paid to two-drug therapy with fewer drug ingredients… “Side effects will be reduced” A study … Read more

Recognizing the 5 Main Symptoms of Monkeypox: Rash, Fever, Swollen Lymph Nodes, Fatigue, and Digestive Symptoms

Recognizing the 5 Main Symptoms of Monkeypox: Rash, Fever, Swollen Lymph Nodes, Fatigue, and Digestive Symptoms

Friday, 27 October 2023 – 06:06 WIB Jakarta – Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by the Monkeypox virus which belongs to the variola virus family (which also includes the smallpox virus). This disease was first discovered in monkeys in Central and West Africa, but can be transmitted to humans. Although cases of humans infected … Read more

Rising Cases of Monkey Pox in Jakarta: Vaccinations and Updates

Rising Cases of Monkey Pox in Jakarta: Vaccinations and Updates

Jakarta – Cases of monkey pox or monkeypox (mpox) in DKI Jakarta continue to increase. As many as 500 people from risk groups have begun to undergo cash vaccinations carried out by the DKI Jakarta Health Service. “Vaccination will begin to be carried out for 500 people from risk groups in Jakarta over the next … Read more

Breakthrough Study: Researchers Deliberately Infect Volunteers to Develop Zika Vaccine

Breakthrough Study: Researchers Deliberately Infect Volunteers to Develop Zika Vaccine

“It is a great scientific discovery in terms of vaccine development,” said Rafael Franca, immunologist at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Brazil. Photo: EFE – Jeffrey Arguedas A group of researchers in the United States deliberately infected, for the first time, a group of volunteers with the Zika virus, as part of a study in … Read more