Prevention against AIDS undermined by the Covid crisis

Prevention against AIDS undermined by the Covid crisis

EPIDEMIC – The deterioration is confirmed. A few days before Sidaction 2022, the association publishes the results of a survey carried out each year by Ifop among 15-24 year olds. Verdict: Due to the Covid crisis, the sentiment of misinformation about HIV/AIDS continues. – “The feeling of information among 15-24 year olds has declined since … Read more

Scientists Have Possibly Cured HIV in a Woman for the First Time – NBC New York

Scientists Have Possibly Cured HIV in a Woman for the First Time – NBC New York

A US research team reported possibly curing HIV in a woman for the first time. Building on previous successes, as well as failures, in the field of HIV cure research, these scientists used a cutting-edge stem cell transplant method that they hope will expand the pool of people who could receive a similar treatment to … Read more

Covid-19: vaccination of children from 5 to 11 years will be in special places | News

Covid-19: vaccination of children from 5 to 11 years will be in special places |  News

Vaccination against covid-19 for children between 5 and 11 years of age will be carried out in special places, such as schools and hospitals, and not in the same centers where adults are vaccinated, reported the director of Strategic Public Health Interventions of the Ministry. of Health (Minsa), Alexis Holguín. “They are going to be … Read more

HIV positive: celebrities say they are to normalize

HIV positive: celebrities say they are to normalize— The star of the series ‘Pose’ Billy Porter has shocked the world of ‘show business’ by confessing that he is HIV positive. The actor, who plays the also HIV-positive Pray Tell in Ryan Murphy’s fiction, wanted to open up the channel and make his illness visible for ‘The Hollywood Reporter’. According to his account, … Read more

»HIV: Abbott researchers make discovery that could advance discovery of future treatments MyPharma Editions

»HIV: Abbott researchers make discovery that could advance discovery of future treatments MyPharma Editions

Posted on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Abbott announced on March 2 that a team of scientists in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) discovered an unusually high number of people who tested positive for HIV antibodies but had low or undetectable viral loads without any treatment. antiretroviral. These people are called elite HIV controllers. … Read more

the CNLS once again supports the Fann hospital with a donation of equipment for the management of serious cases

the CNLS once again supports the Fann hospital with a donation of equipment for the management of serious cases

As part of the fight against Covid 19, the National Council for the Fight Against AIDS has just donated equipment to Fann hospital again to support the care of the sick. It’s the Dr Fatou Nar Mbaye Diouf, Deputy Executive Secretary the National AIDS Control Council (CNLS) which handed over this material to the Director … Read more

Health Convoys tour indigenous communities

Health Convoys tour indigenous communities

Morelia, Mich. (OEM Infomex). – This week the Ministry of Health of Michoacán (SSM) will continue to provide medical care to indigenous communities through medical convoys that, on this occasion, will tour the municipalities of Tepalcatepec, Ecuandureo, Ixtlán and Jacona. From December 7 to 12, the health convoys will offer medical services such as laboratory … Read more

There are free resources and services in NYC – Telemundo New York (47)

There are free resources and services in NYC – Telemundo New York (47)

What you should know The New York City Department of Health said 1,772 people received a new HIV diagnosis in New York City in 2019, representing an 8% decrease compared to the 1,917 new HIV diagnoses recorded in 2018. Since 2001 they have decreased by 70%. Inequalities persist in many New York City communities. In … Read more

New HIV cases in NYC decreased by 70% in the last two decades – Telemundo New York (47)

New HIV cases in NYC decreased by 70% in the last two decades – Telemundo New York (47)

What you should know The New York City Department of Health said 1,772 people received a new HIV diagnosis in New York City in 2019, representing an 8% decrease compared to the 1,917 new HIV diagnoses recorded in 2018. Since 2001 they have decreased by 70%. Inequalities persist in many New York City communities. In … Read more

Covid-19: “maybe a vaccine in the first quarter of 2021”

Covid-19: “maybe a vaccine in the first quarter of 2021”

The French government has set up a vaccine committee to advise it on current projects. Between changes and political issues, its president, Marie-Paule Kieny, research director at Inserm, takes stock of Release on research into a vaccine against Covid-19. Do you think, as Emmanuel Macron said this week, that “We have perspectives […] reasonable to … Read more