the first portal of information and political analysis of Madagascar the first portal of information and political analysis of Madagascar

President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, delivered a powerful speech during the 111th International Labor Conference (ILC) held in Geneva. The conference, organized by the International Labor Organization (ILO), focused on the theme of “Combating Inequalities and Promoting Social Justice.” President Rajoelina expressed his gratitude to the ILO and its Director General for hosting the conference … Read more

Madagascar. “Together to end child labour”: percentages to be reduced

Madagascar.  “Together to end child labour”: percentages to be reduced

“Social justice for all, let’s eliminate child labour!” ». So this is the chosen theme, for 2023 to celebrate June 12 of each year, the “World Day Against Child Labour”. The purpose of this day is to promote preventive actions and raise awareness of the regulations in force to combat child labor and better protect … Read more

Jocelyn Victor Rafidinarivo alias Jean-Louis Rafidy. Little-known aspects of his very full life

Jocelyn Victor Rafidinarivo alias Jean-Louis Rafidy.  Little-known aspects of his very full life

CGM, September 08, 2016. Some members of the CJD. Standing, from left to right: Félix, Sammy, Norbert, Olga, Rabefananina, Jeannot, Fidy and Armand. Seated: from left to right: Latimer Rangers, Dany Be and the couple Jean-Louis and Claire Rafidy If he was 22 years old in June 1960, it was therefore at 85 that he … Read more



Success was achieved in the implementation of “Madagascar International Fair” (FIM) last, said Gérard Monloup, President of Hazovato Forello Expo, during his press conference on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at his headquarters in Tanjombato. The aspect of the economy that allowed foreign and local entrepreneurs to connect and exchange experiences. There was also an aspect … Read more

Siteny Randrianasoloniaiko. A President of the AJU throwing to the nettles the statutes of this continental sports entity

Siteny Randrianasoloniaiko.  A President of the AJU throwing to the nettles the statutes of this continental sports entity

CLICK HERE Siteny Thierry Randrianasoloniaiko, born in Toliara on July 27, 1972, is the current president of the African Judo Union (UAJ), elected on May 18, 2021 in Dakar, Senegal, for a four-year term. As such, he is also vice-president of the International Judo Federation (FIJ) but also a deputy for Madagascar. Strengthened by this … Read more

Sunday 04 June 2023. Mother’s Day is celebrated in Madagascar

Sunday 04 June 2023. Mother’s Day is celebrated in Madagascar

Special congratulations to « First Lady of Madagascar »Miss Mialy Razakandisa Rajoelina. HIS FATHERchildren, no matter how old you are (those who gave birth to you, the elderly, spiritual parents, guardians and educators) IT IS RESPECT. Children who insult and touch their hands curse themselves. And always remember in your heart and mind those who … Read more

TRAIN. The FCE train line (FIANARANTSOA-Côte Est) has reopened

TRAIN.  The FCE train line (FIANARANTSOA-Côte Est) has reopened

SEE THE VIDEO HERE Friday, May 26, 2023. The FCE or Fianarantsoa Côte Est railway line connecting Fianarantsoa to Manakara has reopened. President Andry Rajoelina and his wife, together with the Minister of Transport and Meteorology, Valery Ramonjavelo came to officially open it in Fianarantsoa. Because the reconstruction and repair works have been completed. For … Read more

Dominique Christophe Raineteau. Fanirisoa Ernaivo, son autre combat

Dominique Christophe Raineteau.  Fanirisoa Ernaivo, son autre combat

This morning of Wednesday May 24, I go on facebook and I come across the photo above. Going further, I discover the person who published it first is named Dominique Christophe Raineteau who defines himself as the photo below. Another Frenchman who will be cheated like Laurent Mairesse? No, it’s worse because this Dominique Christophe … Read more

France. Fanirisoa Ernaivo and his game of senseless vile creatures

France.  Fanirisoa Ernaivo and his game of senseless vile creatures

Faniriso Ernaivotop left, it is this magistrate who was definitively dismissed from the body of the judiciary of Madagascar, in 2019 – after having been, for a time, President of the SMM (Union of Magistrates of Madagascar), for having publicly insulted the Malagasy law enforcement (ICI). According to wikipedia, “the Malagasy diaspora in France includes … Read more

Siteny Randrianasoloniaiko. The man who testifies to perfection that ridicule no longer kills

Siteny Randrianasoloniaiko.  The man who testifies to perfection that ridicule no longer kills

Siteny Thierry Randrianasoloniaiko? He is the man who firmly believes that he has every chance of being elected President of the Republic of Madagascar. For what ? Dakar, May 18, 2021. Siteny’s election day as president of the AJU To answer this question, it is simply because he was elected to the presidency of the … Read more