The Czechs enjoyed a unique spectacle. A change will occur when the planets meet on Thursday

The Czechs enjoyed a unique spectacle.  A change will occur when the planets meet on Thursday

Updated 15:27, 2/3/2023 2. 3. 2023, 10:15 Wednesday evening brought a unique spectacle for the Czech Republic. In the sky it was possible to observe the close meeting of the two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter. But Thursday will also offer suitable conditions for observation. Both bodies just exchange places with each other. The March … Read more

Two glowing points above the horizon. The close approach of Venus to Jupiter will be visible in the sky later today

Two glowing points above the horizon.  The close approach of Venus to Jupiter will be visible in the sky later today

The sun is slowly setting and the domes of the Štefánik observatory on Prague’s Petřín are beginning to open. In the first days of March, her telescopes are mainly directed towards two prominent “dots” in the sky. We talk to the head of the observatory, Tomáš Prosecký, about the phenomenon. “In the sky we can … Read more

A wonderful conjunction between Venus and Saturn after sunset today in a wonderful scene seen with the naked eye

A wonderful conjunction between Venus and Saturn after sunset today in a wonderful scene seen with the naked eye

My planet can be spotted Flower And Saturn is close to each other, as it will separate them by only 0.4 degrees, in a wonderful conjunction that is easily seen with the naked eye, towards the southwest in the sky of Egypt and the Arab world, after sunset today, Sunday, January 22, 2023, and moving … Read more

3 Astronomical Phenomena in January 2023, Save the Date Yes!

3 Astronomical Phenomena in January 2023, Save the Date Yes!

Jakarta – January 2023 has only been going on for 3 days, but it’s already there phenomenon of astronomy who colored it. There were 3 celestial phenomena recorded in January 2023. Save the date! 3 Astronomical phenomena in January 2023 Below are 3 celestial phenomena in January 2023 reported by the National Agency for Research … Read more

Venus is furthest from the sun today… you know the details

Venus is furthest from the sun today… you know the details

Scope Venus Today, Sunday, December 25, 2022, at its furthest point from the sun (apogee) at (23:05 GMT), when it will be at a distance of 109,206,446 km, during the orbital period which takes 225 days to complete one revolution around the sun . The Jeddah Astronomical Society has revealed, in a report, that Venus’s … Read more