At least 15 intimate images taken by robot vacuum cleaners have surfaced on social media

At least 15 intimate images taken by robot vacuum cleaners have surfaced on social media

The images, the paper notes, were not made by a person, but by developed versions of the iRobot Roomba J7 series robot vacuum cleaner. They were then sent to Scale AI, a startup that hires employees around the world to tag (called annotate) audio, photo and video data used to train the AI. MIT Technology … Read more

The national executive recommends getting a booster vaccine against Covid-19

The national executive recommends getting a booster vaccine against Covid-19

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, has urged the Venezuelan population to obtain the booster vaccine against Covid-19, given the new wave of infections around the world. “We must continue to place reinforcements. In Venezuela we have achieved a high level of protection for people”, said the head of state during the graduation ceremony … Read more