3 reasons why Pope Benedict’s funeral is unique in Catholic history Page all

3 reasons why Pope Benedict’s funeral is unique in Catholic history Page all

ROME, KOMPAS.com – It will be a different ceremony in the long history of the Catholic Church: for the first time a pope will officiate the funeral of another pope. The ceremony took place on Thursday (5/1/2023) in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, one of the holiest places and an important pilgrimage destination for Catholics. … Read more

Archbishop Scheuer: “Behind the Pope there is first of all a person”

Archbishop Scheuer: “Behind the Pope there is first of all a person”

The difficulties with the Church and also the contradictions against the Church were raised more by him, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, than by his predecessor, Pope John Paul II. In his first words after his election as Bishop of Rome , Benedict XVI. he understood himself as a “simple … Read more

Church – Dresden – Bishop sees in deceased Pope Benedict Brückenbauer – politics

Church – Dresden – Bishop sees in deceased Pope Benedict Brückenbauer – politics

Home Politics Saxony Dresden Church – Dresden:Bishop sees bridge builders in late Pope Benedict December 31, 2022 1:42 pm Directly from the dpa news channel Dresden (dpa/sn) – The bishop of the diocese of Dresden-Meißen, Heinrich Timmerevers, has the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. honored as a bridge builder. “In my opinion, he is one … Read more

Mourning for the ex Pope: many condolences for Benedict XVI. also from Hamburg

Mourning for the ex Pope: many condolences for Benedict XVI.  also from Hamburg

Hamburg Mourning for the ex Pope Many condolences for Benedict XVI. also from Hamburg Status: 4.20pm | Reading time: 2 minutes Stefan Hess, archbishop of Hamburg, described his relationship with the former pope Those: picture alliance/dpa The archbishop of Hamburg calls the late former pope Benedict XVI. a “training teacher”. Mayor Peter Tschentscher expresses his … Read more

the state of health of the pope emeritus is “stationary”

the state of health of the pope emeritus is “stationary”

The state of Benedict XVI is “stationary”, affirms the Vatican in a communiqué released on Friday 30 December. The Pope emeritus, 95 years old, “attended the celebration of Holy Mass in his room yesterday afternoon”, it continues. In its press release, the Vatican also specifies, as it had done the day before, that the pope … Read more

Pope Francis invites prayers for the gravely ill Pope Emeritus Benedict

Pope Francis invites prayers for the gravely ill Pope Emeritus Benedict

Jakarta – Pope Emeritus Benedict (95) is said to be seriously ill. Pope francesco he asked the church to pray for Pope Benedict. Reported ReutersOn Wednesday (12/28/2022), the Vatican said in a statement that Benedict suddenly experienced a “deterioration” in his health in the past few hours. The Vatican added that Benedict XVI’s condition was … Read more

Pope calls for end of ‘pointless’ war in Ukraine during Christmas blessing | Abroad

Pope calls for end of ‘pointless’ war in Ukraine during Christmas blessing |  Abroad

Pope Francis has his traditional Christmas blessing on Sunday The city and the world condemned the “useless” war in Ukraine. The Roman Catholic Church leader has also called for food to be stopped as a weapon. “May the Lord inspire us to concrete gestures of solidarity to assist all those who suffer, and enlighten the … Read more