In the era of the new crown epidemic, children at 18 months have to receive 20 injections | Life | CTWANT

In the era of the new crown epidemic, children at 18 months have to receive 20 injections | Life | CTWANT

Pediatrician Shi Shenghuan calculates that for babies born to 1 year and 6 months old, 16 injections of conventional vaccines are required, plus the flu vaccine and the new crown vaccine, a total of more than 20 injections. (Picture / newspaper information photo) In the era of the epidemic, we have experienced 1, 2, 3… … Read more

Edomex has 80,000 doses of Abdala for reinforcement against Covid-19 – El Sol de Toluca

Edomex has 80,000 doses of Abdala for reinforcement against Covid-19 – El Sol de Toluca

The Federal Government endowed the Mexico state of 80 thousand doses of the vaccine against Covid-19 Abdalaof Cuban originIn addition, it is already available in the health centers dependent on the Institute of Health of the State of Mexico (ISEM), as announced by the program delegate of the Well-being in the State of MexicoJuan Carlos … Read more

How was the rabies vaccine invented? Pasteur saved the life of a child – El Sol de Tampico

How was the rabies vaccine invented?  Pasteur saved the life of a child – El Sol de Tampico

During the summer of 1885, in France, the boy Joseph Meister was bitten 14 times by a dog with rabies. Doctors declared the case hopeless, but a scientist agreed to try an alternative treatment. Meister recovers. On October 26, Pasteur informs the French Academy of Sciences who has developed a rabies vaccine. History of the … Read more

They detect more unprotected groups to prioritize the vaccine if monkeypox breaks out

They detect more unprotected groups to prioritize the vaccine if monkeypox breaks out

A group of researchers from the National Influenza Center, located in Valladolid, has detected which population groups are most unprotected against the monkeypox virus, whose outbreak in 2022 triggered alarms, and, therefore, They provide which would be the priority segments when taking public health measures and prioritizing vaccination. The work, published in the American scientific … Read more

Herpes, the virus that will never forget you

Herpes, the virus that will never forget you

Related “The ‘hot spots’ are produced by the herpes simplex virus, which can cause lesions in the oral and genital mucosa or more serious and unusual manifestations such as meningoencephalitis, hepatitis…”, explains Dr. Paula Sánchez Conde, from the Department of Internal Medicine. of the Povisa de Vigo Hospital. It is therefore necessary to distinguish between … Read more

Covid vaccination slows down with 1,200 per week

Covid vaccination slows down with 1,200 per week

The vaccination point without an appointment to receive both the Covid and the flu vaccine, which opened in the Specialties Center on January 23, both in the morning and in the afternoon, will remain operational until the end of this month, and depending on of the demand and the evolution of immunization it will be … Read more

Almost 45,000 people, already with the covid vaccine booster

Almost 45,000 people, already with the covid vaccine booster

Almost 45,000 people from Avila have already received the booster dose of the covid-19 vaccine, which means reaching more than 31 percent of people from Avila after administering almost 1,000 doses in the last week. This dose, the fourth of the vaccine, began to be administered in residences and later to the population over 60 … Read more

Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine for adults marks a turning point

Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine for adults marks a turning point

The candidate vaccine againstrespiratory syncytial virus (VRS)for people over 60 years of age that are being developed by different international groups for the pharmaceutical company GSK, and in which researchers from the Santiago Clinic participate, is called to be “a turning point for other vaccines and in the treatment of this disease in adults”. As … Read more

Ten municipalities manage to vaccinate 50% of their children against the flu

Ten municipalities manage to vaccinate 50% of their children against the flu

Ten municipalities manage to vaccinate 50% of their children against the flu Children under five are making a name for themselves in the vaccination campaign against gripe, which for the first time has included them this year, although not at the rate that those responsible for the Ministry of Health would like. The goal they … Read more

The bees also have their vaccine

The bees also have their vaccine

The global decline in bee populations, one of the largest pollinators with more than 20,000 species, could stabilize after the recent approval of a vaccine that gives hope in the management and control of pathologies in these insects. A few weeks ago, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) licensed the first vaccine against the … Read more