Photo 1: The US deploys its troops in several cities prior to the election results

Photo 1: The US deploys its troops in several cities prior to the election results

Authorities deploy the National Guard to prevent a wave of violence after the elections. The National Guard forces were deployed in major US cities prior to the electoral recount in an attempt to stem a wave of violence that could erupt after the presidential elections in that country. – .

In the American Presidential Election, Trump has ‘a good chance’ and is optimistic about winning

In the American Presidential Election, Trump has ‘a good chance’ and is optimistic about winning

WASHINGTON DC, – Incumbent candidates in the presidential election event of the United States (US) Donald Trump feel good chance to win on Tuesday (3/11/2020). Trump predicts himself to win big in key triumphant states like Florida and Arizona. “We feel very good,” Trump said hoarsely Fox News via telephone interview. Also read: Trump … Read more

New York equities: Gains – Investors hope for clear conditions after US election | 11/03/20

New York equities: Gains – Investors hope for clear conditions after US election |  11/03/20

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – On the day of the eagerly awaited elections in the US, Wall Street is likely to initially expand its recent profits. Around three quarters of an hour before the start on Tuesday, the trading house IG assessed the Dow Jones Industrial (Dow Jones 30 Industrial) one and a half percent higher … Read more

Equities New York Outlook: Recovery after weak week – US elections in sight | 11/02/20

Equities New York Outlook: Recovery after weak week – US elections in sight |  11/02/20

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – The US stock exchanges beckon a recovery attempt on Monday. The broker IG valued the leading index Dow Jones Industrial (Dow Jones 30 Industrial) a day before the US presidential election, 1.43 percent higher to 26,880 points. Last week was the weakest for what is probably the world’s best-known stock index … Read more

Trump: Corona vaccine will be ready in a few weeks page all

Trump: Corona vaccine will be ready in a few weeks page all

WASHINGTON DC, – President of the United States (US) Donald Trump claiming that the vaccine corona virus it may be available in a few weeks. “We are very close to the vaccine,” he said during a question and answer session with voters in Pennsylvania broadcast on ABC News on Tuesday (15/9/2020). “We only need … Read more

Usa 2020, Facebook imposes “electoral silence” before the vote

Usa 2020, Facebook imposes “electoral silence” before the vote

04 September 2020 08:32 Candidates will not be able to post announcements the week before November 3, the date of the election. Stop also to posts that spread disinformation or that encourage you not to vote “We all have a responsibility to protect our democracy,” the CEO explained in the message. Not just election advertising … Read more

Donald Trump, Coronation Congress: Republicans mock Biden – Politics abroad

Donald Trump, Coronation Congress: Republicans mock Biden – Politics abroad

After the virtual coronation show by Joe Biden (77) and his runner-up Kamala Harris (55), Donald Trump’s (74) Republicans have been on the train since Monday evening. At their party convention, America’s Conservatives praised their 45th President and launched sharp attacks on his challenger Biden. Numerous speakers accused the top democratic candidate of a weak … Read more

The US President’s delicate deals

The US President’s delicate deals

Deutsche Bank repeatedly helped Donald Trump out of trouble. The US Constitutional Court is debating whether the institute has to disclose documents. Is there a bomb lying there that Trump’s opponents are hoping for? At a time when nobody was the businessman Donald Trump A bank from Germany jumped in to help him borrow money. … Read more

Forecasts – Bernie Sanders wins primary in Nevada – overseas politics

Forecasts – Bernie Sanders wins primary in Nevada – overseas politics

As expected, Bernie Sanders is ahead of the area code in Nevada. Left-wing presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has won the third Democratic area code in Nevada, according to several forecasts. After the Fox News channel, the CNN, NBC News and other US media channels also clearly saw the race in favor of Sanders on Saturday. … Read more

Democrats’ TV debate – “Arrogant billionaire”: Warren attacks Bloomberg

Democrats’ TV debate – “Arrogant billionaire”: Warren attacks Bloomberg

The pre-election campaign in the United States is in full swing: billionaire Michael Bloomberg is part of the Democrats’ ninth TV debate – and has to face the sharp attacks of his rivals. The media billionaire is in the TV debate among US Democratic presidential candidates Michael Bloomberg been sharply attacked by his rivals. The … Read more