Risks and Benefits of Using Incontinence Pads: Expert Advice

Risks and Benefits of Using Incontinence Pads: Expert Advice

Jakarta – Viral testimonials on the use of pads that are specifically intended for people with incontinence, conditions that interfere with bladder function so that a person cannot control the release of urine (urine leakage). However, some netizens who don’t suffer from this condition also use it for emergencies between being ‘strapped’ to urinate. “This … Read more

“The Dangers of Holding Pee and Other Bad Urination Habits: Advice from a Urologist in Jakarta”

“The Dangers of Holding Pee and Other Bad Urination Habits: Advice from a Urologist in Jakarta”

Jakarta – Pee, aka urination, is the body’s natural mechanism for removing waste. Even though it has become a daily routine, it turns out that there are several mistakes that are often made regarding peeing and can be bad for health. One of them is the habit of holding pee for too long. There are … Read more

Another incident of urinating on a flight mate occurred while Indian citizens forgot their etiquette

Another incident of urinating on a flight mate occurred while Indian citizens forgot their etiquette

(24 News) Another incident of another passenger urinating on a passenger on a flight coming from America to India has come to light. According to details, a drunken passenger on an American Airlines flight from New York to New Delhi urinated on the passenger sitting next to him after repeatedly urinating on the passenger during … Read more

Focus in Mönchengladbach: “I have to wash away excrement, urine or blood twice a week”

Focus in Mönchengladbach: “I have to wash away excrement, urine or blood twice a week”

Moenchengladbach · Frank Diederichs lives on Sittardplatz near Mönchengladbach’s main train station. He complains that he keeps coming into conflict with drug users. How the city and the police assess the situation. Er ffönte edi Trü reneis hngunWo ndu bitett imt eerni ladneiednen tseeG ii.nenh sE its ennegmh ma,rw im esnret otSck ünechkmsc leta bHzlöeoml … Read more

Warning! Too much vitamin B6, nerve inflammation It is recommended not to exceed 10 milligrams per day.

Warning! Too much vitamin B6, nerve inflammation  It is recommended not to exceed 10 milligrams per day.

Low thyroid function, HIV infection infection with certain bacteria until syphilis Immune disease disease that has been created Abnormal bone marrow protein (monoclonal gammopathy), lymphoma, and drug toxicity, including cancer chemotherapy, heavy metal poisoning, pesticides organophosphorusThe usual daily intake of vitamin B6 ranges from 0.5 to 1 milligram. 1.3 mg in children and adolescents and … Read more

It turns out that ants can detect cancer by sniffing urine

It turns out that ants can detect cancer by sniffing urine

This discovery is important because the earlier cancer is detected, the sooner treatment can be started. The researchers hope that cancer-sniffing ants have the potential “to act as efficient and inexpensive cancer bio-detectors,” they wrote in their study. “The results are very promising,” said Baptiste Piqueret. However, he cautioned that “it is important to recognize … Read more

Recognize the 4 early signs of prostate cancer, don’t ignore it

Recognize the 4 early signs of prostate cancer, don’t ignore it

Monday 19th December 2022 – 09:58am WIB LIVE lifestyle – Cancer is a chronic disease associated with uncontrolled and abnormal cell growth. Prostate cancer it is an invasive cancer prostate gland. Unfortunately, this type of cancer is common, affecting one in seven Menmaking it the second most common cancer among men worldwide. Scroll to see … Read more