Backbiting and backbiting are among the greater and more serious sins than mixing with women and looking at them • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Backbiting and backbiting are among the greater and more serious sins than mixing with women and looking at them • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: The bearded old man’s face is a “sermon” link to those who criticized his repeated appearances in a broadcast with women. And he added, denouncing his attack by one of his followers, saying: “Whoever opens the transmission, salvation, becomes a malicious “Serbot” and an unfair criminal. Let’s go out with this and go … Read more

Egypt News | Science and Technology / A new study: the possibility of finding alien life on the frigid moon of Saturn

Egypt News |  Science and Technology / A new study: the possibility of finding alien life on the frigid moon of Saturn

Comments Notes before commenting: Comments on the site reflect the views of its authors and do not reflect the views of the site.Any word that offends the divine being or any religion, sect or nationality is prohibited.All comments must be in Arabic.It is forbidden to comment with offensive words.Please do not engage in any political … Read more

Syrian artist Wafaa Salem retires from art and comments ‘Shaking stone from my heart’ • Al-Marsad Journal

Syrian artist Wafaa Salem retires from art and comments ‘Shaking stone from my heart’ • Al-Marsad Journal

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Syrian artist, Wafaa Salem, appeared in a video announcing her retirement and exit from the art scene. She said that her image, which spread on social media, and which showed her differently than usual, was “very difficult” and made her receive calls from all over the world. She added that she received a … Read more

The first comment from the Emirate of Mecca regarding voice alert messages reaching citizens on their phones

The first comment from the Emirate of Mecca regarding voice alert messages reaching citizens on their phones

Al-Marsad newspaper: The Mecca Emirate region has instructed citizens and residents who received voice warning messages on their phones not to panic, to comply with civil defense instructions, to stay in safe places and to don’t leave until the situation is over. Interestingly, residents of Jeddah city were surprised by a warning message after the … Read more

Heavy rains in the city of Jeddah • Al Marsad newspaper

Heavy rains in the city of Jeddah • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Jeddah city witnessed heavy rain this Thursday evening amid warnings from relevant authorities to avoid leaving the house except in necessity and to avoid torrential stream areas. The National Meteorological Center predicts that most regions of the Kingdom will witness a moderate to heavy rain condition from today to next Saturday accompanied by … Read more

MP Michel Elias Al-Murr: Attack on Al-Jadeed TV is unacceptable and condemned, and cannot be justified in any way

MP Michel Elias Al-Murr: Attack on Al-Jadeed TV is unacceptable and condemned, and cannot be justified in any way

Representative Michel Elias Al-Murr tweeted on his Twitter account, saying, “We waited for the comment to feign reason and logic, not quick reactions!” He added: “The attack on the Al-Jadeed channel is unacceptable and condemned, and cannot be justified in any way … Our concern for freedoms and the media is sacred, and the arbiter … Read more

Egypt announces the establishment of tourism projects overlooking the islands of “Tiran and Sanafir”..and reveals the estimated cost

Egypt announces the establishment of tourism projects overlooking the islands of “Tiran and Sanafir”..and reveals the estimated cost

Al-Marsad newspaper: Egypt’s Ministry of Public Enterprise Sector announced the launch of the Ras Jamila land project in Sharm El-Sheikh, overlooking the islands of Tiran and Sanafir, for investment under projects that the ministry will offer to investors. Egypt’s public enterprise sector minister, Mahmoud Esmat, revealed that the ministry aims to build a hotel project … Read more

Consultant reveals what ‘sclerosis’ is, explains its symptoms and its effect on the optic nerve and sensation • Al Marsad Journal

Consultant reveals what ‘sclerosis’ is, explains its symptoms and its effect on the optic nerve and sensation • Al Marsad Journal

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Ahmed Abu Laban, consultant immunologist and neurologist, revealed what is meant by multiple sclerosis and its symptoms. Abu Laban said during an interview with the “Kalam” program broadcast on the “Saudi Arabia” channel that multiple sclerosis or multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system such as the … Read more

Yasmine Sabry’s first comment on her daughter’s secret presence

Yasmine Sabry’s first comment on her daughter’s secret presence

Egyptian actress Yasmine Sabry commented for the first time on rumors about her son’s secret presence. In detail, and answering questions from followers on his Instagram page, Sabri expressed his astonishment at another follower’s question about his daughter’s age, saying, “I don’t have it, by God.. Why should I hide it?” One of her followers … Read more

Watch.. “An Alternative Medicine Specialist” reveals on air how to treat bee stings at home

Watch.. “An Alternative Medicine Specialist” reveals on air how to treat bee stings at home

Al-Marsad newspaper: “Muhammad Al-Amiri”, a specialist in alternative medicine, revealed, during an interview with the “Al-Resala” channel, the method of healing with bee stings at home. Al-Amiri said, “I’m basically going to experiment with bee stings. The first thing we do is put the bee sting on the spot we want to treat, and I … Read more