Insightful Discussions with Diverse Professionals and Experts in Valencia

Insightful Discussions with Diverse Professionals and Experts in Valencia

VALENCIA. An impossible debate with Toni Carrión, singer-songwriter, Juan Cerdán, commercial technician at Mortec engineering, Vicente Miguel Ramírez, retired professor of speech therapy and speech therapy at the clinical hospital, Maite Herrero, lawyer and mediator and founding partner of Ricard Castillo SL and Carlos Sanz, delegate of legal affairs of New Generations of the Province … Read more

“Brotherhood of Blood Donors of Burgos Celebrate Successful Year of Donations”

“Brotherhood of Blood Donors of Burgos Celebrate Successful Year of Donations” | 30/05/2023 – 12:31h. This Saturday the Monastery of San Agustín hosts the celebration of the Assembly of the Brotherhood of Blood Donors of Burgos, and its representatives come to it with the satisfaction of having fulfilled their duty, according to the president of the Brotherhood, Francisco del Amo. In this sense, he recalled … Read more

“UNED Elche Honors Pedro Salinas, Generation of ’27 Poet, with Plaque and Masterclass”

“UNED Elche Honors Pedro Salinas, Generation of ’27 Poet, with Plaque and Masterclass”

From Mexico to Elche to vindicate the figure of Pedro SalinasJ.R.E. “His work is linked to this land and being in the UNIT can help many young people and especially students to know the work of the poet, of the Generation of ’27who was a close friend of other intellectuals from Alicante”. Carlos Marichal, grandson … Read more

University of Seville discusses consequences of the Organic Law of the University System (LOSU) in cloister meeting.

University of Seville discusses consequences of the Organic Law of the University System (LOSU) in cloister meeting.

Two months after the approval of the Organic Law of the University System, LOSU, the University of Seville, meets in the cloister this Monday, May 15 to address the consequences that this rule has on the Sevillian academic institution. The rector of the University of Seville Miguel angel, Castro has convened an ordinary meeting of … Read more

Icex España Exportación e Inversiones: Strengthening the Foreign Sector with Flexible Instruments

Icex España Exportación e Inversiones: Strengthening the Foreign Sector with Flexible Instruments | 24/04/2023 – 09:10h. “The situation of geopolitical and economic uncertainty has not improved much compared to last year, although the export sector has shown good behavior throughout 2022. For this reason, at Icex España Exportación e Inversiones we will continue to bet on strengthening the foreign sector accompanying companies at different stages, with … Read more

“Why Fertilizers are Essential for our Population Growth and Environmental Sustainability”

“Why Fertilizers are Essential for our Population Growth and Environmental Sustainability”

What would the world be like today without the fertilizers? “Among other consequences, at the population level, there would be 40% fewer inhabitants on the planet. The use of fertilizers in the crops and its extrapolation to industrial processes was a revolution that led to the exponential growth of the population”. Indeed, the use of … Read more

La Barrié provides opportunity for two students from Pontevedra to study in London during summer.

La Barrié provides opportunity for two students from Pontevedra to study in London during summer.

The Barrie Foundation announced this Thursday the names of the eight Galician university students selected in the third edition of the international research scholarship program during the summer Summer Undergraduate Fellowship Programamong which there are two from Pontevedra. These are young people who will carry out laboratory practices in the Medicine and Infection and Immunity … Read more

A new method makes it possible to diagnose breast cancer with a drop of blood

A new method makes it possible to diagnose breast cancer with a drop of blood

SINC | 03/01/2023 – 10:00 a.m. Researchers from the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga and the Nanomedicine Platform (IBIMA BIONAND Platform) have developed a new methodology for the early detection of breast cancer through a single blood sample. This new non-invasive method consists of DNA analysis by massive sequencing, which allows the detection of the … Read more

Cycle of classical music concerts at the University of Alcalá

Cycle of classical music concerts at the University of Alcalá

This year, we will have a marimba solo concert by Diego Married (February 28th); ASCOT Quartetwith Celia Molina Gómez on violin, Esther Fernández Olalla on viola, Clara Riviére Visier on cello and Irene Comesaña Aguilar on piano (March 1) and the Molomaniac duo, with Sara Guerrero on guitar and soprano Marta Heras (March 2). The … Read more

The USAL examines in “Nature Reviews Microbiology” the benefits of the mushroom “Trichoderma” in ecological and sustainable agriculture

The USAL examines in “Nature Reviews Microbiology” the benefits of the mushroom “Trichoderma” in ecological and sustainable agriculture

Related news In today’s agriculture, registered strains of Trichoderma, a microscopic soil-dwelling fungus that associates with plant roots, are marketed as biological control agents against agriculturally important plant pathogens, both for their antagonistic action against them and as plant defense activators, transmitted systemically through a complex network of phytohormones. However, it has been seen that, … Read more