The Decline of Starfield: Why Bethesda’s Latest RPG is Failing to Impress and Gain Recognition

The Decline of Starfield: Why Bethesda’s Latest RPG is Failing to Impress and Gain Recognition

Before the release, Fr Starfield it spoke at every turn. The huge RPG from the creators of Skyrim and Fallout 4 was raised to the skies and the expectations were unbelievable. After the release, however, interest quickly waned, many didn’t even finish the space adventure, and the game de facto stopped being talked about. This … Read more

Discovering the Oldest Black Hole in the Universe

Discovering the Oldest Black Hole in the Universe

Using NASA telescopes, astronomers have discovered the most distant and thus the oldest black hole. It is also interesting that this supermassive cosmic object is only in the early stages of growth – at the time it was observed, it was still young, a cosmic toddler in layman’s terms. While black holes normally have more … Read more

Rare ‘Devil’s’ Comet Flyby: Breathtaking Spectacle Visible with Naked Eye in 2024

Rare ‘Devil’s’ Comet Flyby: Breathtaking Spectacle Visible with Naked Eye in 2024

Soon we will see a breathtaking spectacle. A rare space body will fly by the Earth next year. The “Devil’s” comet, which is several times larger than Mount Everest, will also be visible with the naked eye. The comet with the scientific designation 12P/Pons-Brooks ranks among cryovolcanic, or cold volcanic objects. Like other comets, this … Read more

12 Strangest and Most Fascinating Alien Planets Discovered So Far – Space Exploration Unveils Incredible Discoveries

12 Strangest and Most Fascinating Alien Planets Discovered So Far – Space Exploration Unveils Incredible Discoveries

Jakarta – The vast solar system holds various mysteries, such as alien planets that have strange characteristics and are very different from Earth. Which planet is the strangest? Until now, exploration to search for other planets outside our solar system continues to be the focus of scientists. They believe there are still many alien planets … Read more

The Wandering Earth: Exploring Human Spirituality and the Connection to Our Planet

The Wandering Earth: Exploring Human Spirituality and the Connection to Our Planet

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash When the sun, which symbolizes the source of all things, is about to become a threat that swallows everything,What changes will the human spiritual world undergo? The sun’s helium flash and the earth being swallowed up – this distant and familiar concept often appears in Western science fiction, but … Read more

Scientists Discover Rare Chemical Element in Space Collision and its Significance in Understanding the Origin of Life on Earth

Scientists Discover Rare Chemical Element in Space Collision and its Significance in Understanding the Origin of Life on Earth

An international team of scientists has investigated the second-brightest gamma-ray burst ever recorded in space and discovered a rare chemical element. It was created by a giant explosion after the collision of two neutron stars, which probably created other heavy elements that are necessary for life on Earth. Research can thus represent an important step … Read more

Discovering Ancient River Deposits on Mars: Evidence of a River Planet

Discovering Ancient River Deposits on Mars: Evidence of a River Planet

Jakarta – According to planetary scientists, Mars was once a planet of rivers. The reason is that ancient river deposits are found all over Mars and can be identified in satellite data through erosional landforms called fluvial ridges. These fluvial ridges are in the form of ancient river deposits. This feature on the planet Mars … Read more

Is the Entire Universe a Black Hole? Exploring the Possibility and Implications

Is the Entire Universe a Black Hole? Exploring the Possibility and Implications

Scientists question whether the entire universe could be a black hole and we live in a black hole. In conclusion, black holes and red holes can be whatever they are…but right now the environment on Earth is no different from a black hole.Because the environment is deterioratingHumans only want to destroy and create wars, and … Read more