NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Captures ‘Ghost Galaxy’ AzTECC71: What It Reveals About the Early Universe

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Captures ‘Ghost Galaxy’ AzTECC71: What It Reveals About the Early Universe

CNN Indonesia Friday, 08 Dec 2023 18:01 IWST NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) managed to capture a “ghost galaxy” object. (Photo: J. McKinney/M. Franco/C. Casey/The University of Texas at Austin.) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) courtesy NASA successfully captured the object”ghost galaxy” which is very opaque and covered in dust … Read more

The telescope caught a “real monster”. It is hidden deep in space |

The telescope caught a “real monster”.  It is hidden deep in space |

James Webb’s telescope recorded a wondrous phenomenon in deep space. Astronomers have rediscovered the galaxy AzTECC71, which reminds them of a terrifying creature. They even managed to take a picture of her. Although it is monstrously large, due to the great distance it is extremely difficult to record. Astronomers first discovered the galaxy ten years … Read more

Shocks the Astronomy World, Discovering the Most Powerful Cosmic Rays Ever to Hit the Earth!

Shocks the Astronomy World, Discovering the Most Powerful Cosmic Rays Ever to Hit the Earth!

Wednesday, December 6 2023 – 09:33 WIB Technodaily – A surprising discovery in the world of astronomy, researchers have detected one of the most powerful cosmic rays ever to hit Earth. This particle was named ‘Amaterasu’, taken from the name of the Sun Goddess in Japanese Shinto religious beliefs. Although cosmic rays are a common … Read more

Video: Asteroid Sample That Will Show Where Earth’s Water Came From – News List

Video: Asteroid Sample That Will Show Where Earth’s Water Came From – News List

In the introductory video report of this article, you can watch the samples that the US Space Agency was able to deliver to Earth from an asteroid 190 million kilometers away. The OSIRIS-REx probe, which is about the size of an SUV and cost a billion dollars, set off on its journey on September 9, … Read more

We will see a breathtaking heavenly spectacle. A meteor shower lights up the sky |

We will see a breathtaking heavenly spectacle.  A meteor shower lights up the sky |

Even December will not be poor in beautiful celestial phenomena. The Geminid meteor shower will light up the sky. And according to astronomers, during the period of their maximum, it pays to look for meteorites all night. Astronomers promise that the Geminids have ideal viewing conditions this year. Their maximum falls on the night from … Read more

“Starfield is not boring.” Bethesda tries to convince disgruntled gamers – INDIAN

“Starfield is not boring.” Bethesda tries to convince disgruntled gamers – INDIAN

Starfield it has its vocal supporters and detractors. Some fans have even acknowledged that the sci-fi adventure doesn’t deserve to be in the running for Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2023. Overall, Starfield has received from players mixed reviews, which Bethesda decided to change. He tries to convince players that Starfield is … Read more

Patch adds DLSS and improves Starfield, which has mixed user reviews – INDIAN

Patch adds DLSS and improves Starfield, which has mixed user reviews – INDIAN

Pro PC a Xbox Series X/S verze Starfield a new update is out. It adds the long-awaited DLSS support to the PC version, while improving the game, fixing bugs and making it more enjoyable to play on all platforms. Technology DLSS Super Resolution, Deep Learning Anti-aliasing (DLAA), Nvidia Reflex Low Latency and Nvidia’s DLSS Frame … Read more

Don’t close the “gates of hell”, a huge hole that burns for a long time

Don’t close the “gates of hell”, a huge hole that burns for a long time

A tour guide sets a table near Darbaza Crater, a giant methane gas vent that has been burning for decades in the desert of Turkmenistan. (PHOTOGRAPH BY CAROLYN DRAKE, MAGNUM PHOTOS) [画像のクリックで拡大表示] Ten years ago, National Geographic Explorer George Korounis became the first person in history to enter the fiery Gates of Hell. This is … Read more

NASA Discovers 2 Farthest Galaxies from Earth

NASA Discovers 2 Farthest Galaxies from Earth – Galaxies are part of the universe consisting of hundreds of trillions of stars and space fog. There are many galaxies in the universe. The distance between galaxies is very far and is usually calculated in units of billions or millions of light. Also read: What does the new galaxy JWST-ER1 discovered by the … Read more