“Hyosung Group Computer Error Causes Chaos as Low-End Employee Receives 10 Million Won Salary Mistakenly”

“Hyosung Group Computer Error Causes Chaos as Low-End Employee Receives 10 Million Won Salary Mistakenly”

news 10 million won in the bank account of a low-end employee?… Hyosung’s wages were erroneously deposited due to a computer error, and employees were ‘chaotic’ [e라이프] digital daily Publication Date 2023-05-21 21:06:26 “/> [디지털데일리 양원모 기자] At affiliates of the Hyosung Group, due to a computer error, an executive’s salary was deposited into an … Read more

“Disney Speedstorm: The Surprising Competitor to Mario Kart?”

“Disney Speedstorm: The Surprising Competitor to Mario Kart?”

Disney Speedstorm: We played the Disney kart game, future big competitor of Mario Kart? Impossible, at first glance, to see Disney Speedstorm otherwise than as a barely shameless clone of Mario Kart. Many licenses have tried this formula, often breaking their teeth on the asphalt, but there are still some titles that stand out like … Read more