Basic income: Initiative wants to collect 100,000 signatures | – News

Basic income: Initiative wants to collect 100,000 signatures | – News

Status: 17.08.2024 19:03 Is there a pilot project in Hamburg for a basic income for all? The first step towards this has been taken by the initiative “Hamburg tests basic income“, now she needs enough supporters for a referendum. The kick-off event for the volunteers who will soon be collecting signatures in the city took … Read more

Turn in benefits. There will be one new ZUS benefit for everyone instead of the current one. Will it be PLN 1,700?

Turn in benefits. There will be one new ZUS benefit for everyone instead of the current one. Will it be PLN 1,700?

The government must find savings in the budget. This means that changes are needed in pensions, 800 more and other benefits financed with public money. This can be done by reducing the payments – their amount or the number of eligible people. You can also look for savings in the payment system itself, reducing the … Read more