Can Keeping Cats Cause Infertility in Women? Expert Explains Toxoplasmosis Risks

Can Keeping Cats Cause Infertility in Women? Expert Explains Toxoplasmosis Risks

Jakarta – Cats are the favorite pets of many people. Children, adults, elderly people and even pregnant women can keep these animals. However, behind the cuteness of this animal, some people think that keeping cats can cause infertility or problems for women to become pregnant. Is this true? A lecturer in Medical Laboratory Technology (TLM) … Read more

Prevent Transmission of Singapore Flu: Effective Preventative Steps and Tips to Stay Safe

Prevent Transmission of Singapore Flu: Effective Preventative Steps and Tips to Stay Safe

Homecoming Photo (Radar Surabaya) Singapore flu, also known as pandemic flu, occurred in 1957 and spread to several countries in the world. This virus is also known as Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (H2N2). The impact of Singapore flu not only occurs in the health sector but also the economy and social life in many … Read more

Polio Outbreak in Indonesia: Expert’s Response and Vaccination Recommendations

Polio Outbreak in Indonesia: Expert’s Response and Vaccination Recommendations

Shutterstock Indonesia was declared polio-free in 2014. However, the virus still exists. The proof is that by the end of 2023 there will be two children in East Java, specifically on Madura Island, and one child in Central Java who will be exposed to polio. UM Surabaya Health Expert Dede Nasrullah responded widely to this … Read more

Understanding and Preventing the Spread of Influenza Virus During Seasonal Transitions

Understanding and Preventing the Spread of Influenza Virus During Seasonal Transitions

Shutterstock Flu, which is caused by the influenza virus, can occur throughout the year, but in some areas, flu can be more common during certain seasons, such as the rainy season and winter. Because these conditions make it more likely for the virus to reproduce and spread more easily. Influenza viruses have the ability to … Read more

Natural Remedies for Colds: Tips for Treating Colds without Chemical Drugs

Natural Remedies for Colds: Tips for Treating Colds without Chemical Drugs

Freepik Colds are a health problem that often occurs in someone whose immune system is weakened, because a rhinovirus infection has attacked the body. The appearance of cold symptoms can occur due to allergies, cold air or acute sinusitis. Ners UM Surabaya Islam Syarifurrahman said that someone who has a cold usually has flu symptoms … Read more