Andra Soni Demands Banten Vehicle Tax Arrears Payment: Urging Compliance and Accountability

Andra Soni Demands Banten Vehicle Tax Arrears Payment: Urging Compliance and Accountability

Banten Province Announces Motor Vehicle Tax amnesty: A Look at How Tax Forgiveness Programs Could work in the U.S. Table of Contents Banten Province Announces Motor Vehicle Tax amnesty: A Look at How Tax Forgiveness Programs Could work in the U.S. Banten Launches Tax Amnesty Program Details of the Banten Kepgub Decree Number 170 of … Read more

Djan Faridz: Former Wantimpres and House Owner Under KPK Investigation

Djan Faridz: Former Wantimpres and House Owner Under KPK Investigation

KPK Searches Residence ‌of Former Wantimpres member djan​ Faridz in⁣ Bribery Probe Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — The Corruption Eradication Commission​ (KPK) conducted a five-hour search at the‌ residence of djan Faridz, a former member of the ​Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) under the 7th President of ⁢Indonesia, Joko Widodo (jokowi). The operation, which began on Wednesday … Read more