Nebenzya commented on the aggravation of the situation in Idlib

Nebenzya commented on the aggravation of the situation in Idlib

UN, Feb 29 – RIA Novosti. Russia hopes compliance with agreements will avoid a repetition of Syria events similar to those that occurred on the evening of February 27th Vasily Nebenzya.– He noted that Moscow continues contacts within the Astana format. – “We are convinced that if the military, diplomats and representatives of the security … Read more

Turkey will not stop migrants currently trying to get to Europe

Turkey will not stop migrants currently trying to get to Europe

Turkish media said migrant groups were heading for the border with Greece in western Turkey on Friday morning. – TheTurkey will no longer prevent migrants trying to get to Europe from crossing the border, a senior Turkish official told AFP on Friday. The decision to “open the doors” was taken during an extraordinary security council … Read more

The Ministry of Defense spoke about the incident with the Turkish military in Idlib

The Ministry of Defense spoke about the incident with the Turkish military in Idlib

MOSCOW, February 28 – RIA News. The Turkish military, who came under fire from the Syrian government forces in the Idlib de-escalation zone, should not have been there, Russian officials said. Ministry of Defense.– According to the agency, on February 27, militants from the Khayyat Tahrir al-Sham * terrorist group * attempted to attack the … Read more

Conflict in Syrian province Idlib escalates: 33 Turkish soldiers killed | NOW

Air strikes by the Syrian government army in the Syrian province of Idlib killed at least 33 Turkish soldiers in the night of Thursday to Friday, reports the governor of the Turkish province of Hatay that borders on Syria. Never before have so many Turkish soldiers died in one day in the area. A civil … Read more

Turkey opens Europe’s doors to refugees and launches offensive in Syria

Turkey opens Europe’s doors to refugees and launches offensive in Syria

Turkey has decided to stop Syrian refugees from crossing its territory to Europe by land and sea, a Turkish official told Reuters on Thursday, anticipating the imminent arrival of refugees from Idlib in Syria, where there are almost one million displaced people. Turkish police, the coast guard and border security officials were ordered not to … Read more

Father and daughter laughing at bombs in Syria escape war and are in Turkey

Father and daughter laughing at bombs in Syria escape war and are in Turkey

Rita Neves Costa Today at 21:10– The video of Abdullah al-Mohamed laughing with his three-year-old daughter Salwa, whenever they heard an explosion in Syria, went viral on the Internet. The family was contacted by the Turkish authorities and managed to escape the war. No one was indifferent to a father’s attempt to prevent his daughter … Read more

Nine dead and 37 wounded in Turkey after the magnitude 5.7 earthquake in Iran

Nine dead and 37 wounded in Turkey after the magnitude 5.7 earthquake in Iran

Map of the epicenter of the earthquake prepared by the USGS. – (CNN) – Nine people died and 37 were injured in eastern Turkey after a magnitude 5.7 earthquake Shake a border area with Iran on Sunday, Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca reported on Twitter. The earthquake shook early Sunday and the epicenter was the … Read more

Mehmet Scholl: “I have my own opinion about Greta Thunberg”

Mehmet Scholl: “I have my own opinion about Greta Thunberg”

es happens very rarely that Mehmet Scholl gives an interview. He makes himself scarce, insights into his life should be given as little as possible. If there is anything to be heard from him, it is primarily in his radio program “Mehmets Schollplatten”, which is broadcast on Bayern 2 every first Sunday of the month. … Read more

Turkish authorities announced the death of the Turkish military in Syrian Idlib

Turkish authorities announced the death of the Turkish military in Syrian Idlib

A soldier of the Turkish army was killed in the Syrian region of Idlib. This happened after the Syrian government forces launched a bomb attack, Reuters reports citing authorities in the Turkish province of Gaziantep. According to local authorities, this is 16 soldiers killed this month. Authorities in Gaziantep province informed that the deceased specialized … Read more

Assad and Moscow face the last rebels in Idlib – and Turkey NOW

The Syrian civil war seems to have reached its final phase after almost a decade. The Syrian government army is steaming into the last major rebel stronghold, the province of Idlib. Syria and ally Russia have not only been confronted with these rebels, but also with neighboring country Turkey. Three questions about the situation in … Read more