Fever in Pregnant Women: Causes, Risks, and Safe Treatment Options

Fever in Pregnant Women: Causes, Risks, and Safe Treatment Options

Jakarta – Fever is the body’s natural response to certain infections or diseases. Although it does not cause miscarriage, it can be a sign of infection. One common cause of fever in pregnant women is a viral infection, such as influenza or colds. This virus can cause fever with other symptoms such as runny nose, … Read more

Understanding Birth Defects in Jakarta: Risks, Causes, and Prevention

Understanding Birth Defects in Jakarta: Risks, Causes, and Prevention

Jakarta – Entering the world of pregnancy, of course mothers always hope for the best for the health and well-being of their little one. However, knowing more about the various risks of birth defects is a very important step. As a loving mother, of course you want to understand all aspects related to your little … Read more

Top Juices to Relieve Coughs and Colds for Pregnant Women

Top Juices to Relieve Coughs and Colds for Pregnant Women

Coughs and colds are common among many people, including pregnant women. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that the average adult experiences colds at least 2 to 3 times per year. Meanwhile, in pregnant women, the risk is much higher because the immune system is reduced. According to March of … Read more

Appendicitis During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Appendicitis During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Pregnancy Nanie Wardhani | Haibunda Tuesday, 17 Oct 2023 21:05 IWST Appendicitis or appendicitis is inflammation that occurs in the appendix. The appendix itself is part of the large intestine which is located in the lower right part of the abdomen. Therefore, when someone feels pain in the lower right part of the abdomen, this … Read more

Pregnancy Classes: A Comprehensive Guide for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy Classes: A Comprehensive Guide for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy Nurul Jasmine Fathia | Haibunda Saturday, 14 Oct 2023 14:20 IWST When pregnant, it is a good idea for mothers to increase their education regarding pregnancy, breastfeeding and caring for their little one when he is born. Education like this can be obtained from the internet or by attending classes provided specifically for pregnant … Read more

Dangers of Diarrhea in Pregnant Women: Causes, Complications, and How to Deal with it

Dangers of Diarrhea in Pregnant Women: Causes, Complications, and How to Deal with it

Pregnancy Humidatun Nisa’ | It doesn’t crash Sunday, 06 Aug 2023 07:40 WIB Jakarta – Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause various body reactions. One of them is in digestion. You may experience constipation and diarrhea. Launch Medical News Today, Continuous diarrhea can lead to dehydration and malnutrition. During pregnancy, diarrhea can occur due to … Read more

White Discharge During Pregnancy: Causes and Management Tips

White Discharge During Pregnancy: Causes and Management Tips

Pregnancy ank   | Haibunda Thursday, 01 Jun 2023 14:06 WIB Jakarta – White discharge that is more watery or ‘watery’ may occur during pregnancy. This white liquid is often considered vaginal discharge, Mother. So is this really normal vaginal discharge? Reproductive endocrinologist and fertility specialist from Colorado, Eric Surrey, MD, says that white discharge … Read more