Narrowly Avoided Tragedy: Aftermath of Riots and Arson Attack Near Lyon

Narrowly Avoided Tragedy: Aftermath of Riots and Arson Attack Near Lyon

A tragedy was narrowly avoided last night near Lyon. As revealed by our editorial staff, a fire broke out during the night of Wednesday to Thursday, in a building on Boulevard Honoré de Balzac in Villeurbanne. The municipality, citing “information transmitted by the police services”first confirms in a press release that it was mortar fire … Read more

RATP Wins Contract to Expand Transport Capacity in Toulon

RATP Wins Contract to Expand Transport Capacity in Toulon

Che contract will make it possible to expand the transport capacity “, promises the president (LR) of the Toulon-Provence-Mediterranean Metropolis, Jean-Pierre Giran, who took place, alongside the president of the RATP, Jean Castex, aboard a Mistral network shuttle for a tour of harbor commented. It is in fact planned to increase the number of people … Read more

“Violent Brawl Erupts in Lyon’s Confluence District on Eve of Ascension Weekend”

“Violent Brawl Erupts in Lyon’s Confluence District on Eve of Ascension Weekend”

Many police and firefighters at the scene of the fight this Thursday morning The long Ascension weekend began with a general fight this Thursday morning in the 2nd arrondissement of Lyon. The brawl broke out shortly before 6 a.m. outside a nightclub on Quai Rambaud in the Confluence district, as many revelers left the area … Read more

“Is AirBaltic Really Sinking? Debunking Negative Headlines and Examining Financial Results”

“Is AirBaltic Really Sinking? Debunking Negative Headlines and Examining Financial Results”

Is it better than it sounds? When reporting on the financial results of a company, the media chooses what to emphasize, for example – how much the turnover has grown, whether there were profits or losses. And since many people don’t read beyond the headline, they get an idea of ​​how good or bad the … Read more

“Blandine Brocard Confronts Protesters at Aperitif-Debate in Neuville-Sur-Saône”

“Blandine Brocard Confronts Protesters at Aperitif-Debate in Neuville-Sur-Saône”

She may be a MoDem, having called for a vote on pension reform, having regretted the use of 49.3, Blandine Brocard did not escape the pans. This Thursday evening, the deputy of the 5th district of the Rhône organized an aperitif-debate at the Espace Jean Vilar in Neuville-sur-Saône. Before speaking in front of about fifty … Read more

“Perturbation on TER Burgundy-Franche-Comté Line: Exceptional Terminus at Dijon”

“Perturbation on TER Burgundy-Franche-Comté Line: Exceptional Terminus at Dijon”

Perturbation Until 04/16/2023 – TER Burgundy-Franche-Comté Exceptional DIJON terminus. Travelers to IS-SUR-TILLE are invited to take the TER Departure from DIJON at 12:24 p.m. We apologize for the inconvenience. Line(s) concerned Train TER Is on Tille-Dijon-Les Laumes TER Burgundy-Franche-Comté towards Les Laumes – Alésia station / Is-sur-Tille station / Dijon station Departure at 12:24 from … Read more

“Opposition Launches Citizen Evaluation Mission to Assess High Schools in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region”

“Opposition Launches Citizen Evaluation Mission to Assess High Schools in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region”

“Faced with the lack of transparency of the regional executive of Laurent Wauquiez and the refusal to answer questions from the opposition on the state of high schools in the region”the opposition intends to form its own opinion. The PS, EELV, rebellious and communist groups and PRG are joining forces to carry out a mission … Read more

Residents of Villeurbanne Burn Their Bills in Protest of Soaring Prices

Residents of Villeurbanne Burn Their Bills in Protest of Soaring Prices

The associations and citizen movements Alliance Citoyenne, Alternatiba Rhône and Last Renovation met this Friday afternoon in the Pierre Baratin district for this symbolic action. In all, around twenty tenants threw their bills into a fire by calling on regional and national politicians to help them. Invoice in hand, Martine, union representative of the tenants … Read more

The Mayor aims to reduce the length of motorway concessions.

The Mayor aims to reduce the length of motorway concessions.

What if motorway company concessions were reduced? The government asked the Council of State how it would be possible to shorten “by a few years” the duration of the concessions of certain motorway companies, which have been more profitable than expected, indicated Wednesday, March 22 the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire. The latter … Read more