No trains between Almere and Hilversum all day due to a malfunction

No trains between Almere and Hilversum all day due to a malfunction

In association with Broadcasting Flevoland NOS News•today, 11:44 Between Almere Poort and Hilversum no trains run all day due to a signal failure. This is reported by the NS. Due to the malfunction, there are also no intercity trains between Almere Centrum and Amsterdam Central. The outage is expected to last until 11:30 pm tonight, … Read more

The trains between Vigo and A Coruña, in full despite Renfe reinforcing them to the max

The trains between Vigo and A Coruña, in full despite Renfe reinforcing them to the max

Full train. These are the two words that dozens of train users on the Atlantic axis (Vigo-Pontevedra-Santiago-A Coruña-Ferrol) and the Ourense-A Coruña corridor encountered this weekend thanks to free season tickets. An example was that both Friday and Sunday, the nine trains of the Atlantic axis that left Vigo from one in the afternoon had … Read more