Vantaa sent a Wilma message about the Viertola school shooting – 2024-04-06 06:45:51

Vantaa sent a Wilma message about the Viertola school shooting
 – 2024-04-06 06:45:51

In its Wilma message, the city of Vantaa wants to remind, among other things, the disadvantages of social media. Tuesday’s school shooting at the Viertola school has shocked especially the people of Vantaa, but also the whole of Finland. At the end of a sad week, the city of Vantaa sent an important Wilma message … Read more

This is how the Viertola school shooter behaved during the police interrogation – 2024-04-04 15:02:00

This is how the Viertola school shooter behaved during the police interrogation
 – 2024-04-04 15:02:00

The 12-year-old school shooter has admitted the act. According to the police’s assessment, the boy has also understood the consequences of his action. The Viertola school shooter is in the custody of the social authorities. A 12-year-old boy is not criminally responsible. The boy shot three of his classmates, killing one and seriously injuring two. … Read more

Päivi Pekanheimo works as a teacher: In the spring, many high school students are afraid of her for another reasonKotimaa11.3. 16:25 – 2024-03-12 03:35:10

Päivi Pekanheimo works as a teacher: In the spring, many high school students are afraid of her for another reasonKotimaa11.3.  16:25
 – 2024-03-12 03:35:10

Päivi Pekanheimo works as a teacher: In the spring, many high school students are afraid of her for another reasonKotimaa11.3. 16:25 #Päivi #Pekanheimo #works #teacher #spring #high #school #students #afraid #reasonKotimaa11.3

Two pieces of good news for a million Finns! – 2024-03-08 00:17:58

Two pieces of good news for a million Finns!
 – 2024-03-08 00:17:58

Up to 20 percent of Finns have a pollen allergy, which means there are more than a million of them. From this news, they get two happy pieces of information for this spring. Pollen bulletins and forecasts made by the University of Turku and open to all on the website will still continue. The … Read more

Preventing stuttering and avoiding improvisation: Biden is training meticulously for the speech of his life

Preventing stuttering and avoiding improvisation: Biden is training meticulously for the speech of his life

In principle, Joe Biden had even more reason to celebrate than his Republican opponent Donald Trump. After all, on ‘Super Tuesday’ he lost one of the fifteen states where voting took place, Vermont, to Nikki Haley. It only involved one state (and a small one at that), but it proves what the exit polls say: … Read more

Bochum Rebels Face Challenges in Association League After Promotion: Influx of New Players Continues

Bochum Rebels Face Challenges in Association League After Promotion: Influx of New Players Continues

Bochum. The Bochum footballers are playing in the association league after promotion. The influx of new players continues unabated. When the Bochum Rebels head to their away games at the end of April, things could get tight on the team bus. After promotion to the association league, the American football players have once again grown … Read more

Sporting and University of Lisbon Renew Protocol and Invest 3 Million Euros in Facilities

Sporting and University of Lisbon Renew Protocol and Invest 3 Million Euros in Facilities

Sporting and the University of Lisbon renewed the protocol that has united the two entities since 2007, and which allows the lions to use the facilities at the Lisbon University Stadium for training classes. In a statement, the Alvalade club informs that it will also invest more than three million euros in the space. «The … Read more

beruf & bildung 2024: Exploring Training and Studying Opportunities with German Pension Insurance

beruf & bildung 2024: Exploring Training and Studying Opportunities with German Pension Insurance

“Career & Education” 2024 –Where young people find out everything about training and studying Should it be practical training or a dual study program with your own income? At the “beruf & bildung” trade fair in Hanover, young people find out what the professional world looks like in a modern administration related to pensions and … Read more

Field where you can earn 3,700 e/month right away – Enter school with B’s papers Home13.2. 6:04 am – 2024-02-15 19:47:31

Field where you can earn 3,700 e/month right away – Enter school with B’s papers Home13.2.  6:04 am
 – 2024-02-15 19:47:31

Field where you can earn 3,700 e/month right away – Enter school with B’s papers Home13.2. 6:04 am #Field #earn #emonth #Enter #school #papers #Home13.2

Driving training changes on March 1: longer practice period and mandatory training moment for supervisors

Driving training changes on March 1: longer practice period and mandatory training moment for supervisors

Road safety The driving training will change on March 1. For example, supervisors must attend a training session and the minimum practice period for candidate directors is extended from three to five months “Both measures only benefit road safety,” says Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters (Open VLD). Anyone who has passed … Read more