The wrapper made a large donation to the students of the Viertola school – 2024-05-06 09:08:38

The wrapper made a large donation to the students of the Viertola school
 – 2024-05-06 09:08:38

The wrapper invited all Viertola school students and their guardians to the concert. The wrapper performed today in Helsinki. Jenni Host Käärijä will give a concert today, Saturday, May 4, with two gigs at the Böle Arena in Helsinki. The wrapper donated a free ticket to all students of Viertola School in Vantaa and one … Read more

VHS Sinsheim: Colorful and Varied Program with Courses and Events for Every Interest

VHS Sinsheim: Colorful and Varied Program with Courses and Events for Every Interest

The vhs Sinsheim offers you a colorful and varied program each semester with several courses and events from a wide range of subjects. Our offer ranges from interesting regional knowledge lectures in the field of culture, to various sports courses in the field of health, to informative lectures on current political and social issues. In … Read more

Has your white cap seen its best days yet? Iltalehti is looking for the dirtiest cap in Finland – 2024-05-01 05:53:20

Has your white cap seen its best days yet?  Iltalehti is looking for the dirtiest cap in Finland
 – 2024-05-01 05:53:20

Iltalehti is looking for Finland’s dirtiest white hat. The messier and muddier the cap, the better. Iltalehti is not looking for a spotless cap like the picture. Illustration image. Karoliina Vuorenmäki Student holidays, picnics, humid evenings. The white cap is no longer as white after May Day as it was before, and its smell is … Read more

“Vara-Manta” got his cap – 2024-05-01 01:36:25

“Vara-Manta” got his cap
 – 2024-05-01 01:36:25

Iltalehti followed “Vara-Manta” live. The statue created by the students received its cap at 6 p.m. The May Day tradition, which is more than a hundred years old, was broken when this year there was no way to celebrate around the Havis Amanda statue, or Manta. While Manta was under renovation, the students’ traditional laking … Read more

Prime Minister Calls for North Rhine-Westphalia to Become International Competition Court for Commercial Matters

Prime Minister Calls for North Rhine-Westphalia to Become International Competition Court for Commercial Matters

In his keynote at the opening of the panel discussion, the Prime Minister emphasized that North Rhine-Westphalia should be developed into an international competition court for all commercial matters through the Court Commercial. The conference, organized in collaboration with the German American Business Association, the German-American Lawyers Association and the German Consulate General in San … Read more

Sweden returns the skulls looted from the grave to Finland – 2024-04-18 21:35:33

Sweden returns the skulls looted from the grave to Finland
 – 2024-04-18 21:35:33

The Swedish government has finally decided to return the skulls looted from Finnish graves back to Finland. Some very old skeleton parts were found in an old cardboard box at the back of the main biology class at Tampere Lyceum. A complete skull was also found in the box. Stock photo. Merja Ojala The Swedish … Read more

Presentation on the replacement model for adult education support – More responsibility for livelihood for the student and the employer – 2024-04-12 01:17:20

Presentation on the replacement model for adult education support – More responsibility for livelihood for the student and the employer
 – 2024-04-12 01:17:20

The central labor market organizations SAK, STTK and Akava consider the model to be bad, because the emphasis on loans takes away the opportunity for low-wage earners to study. Minister of Social Security Sanni Grahn-Laasonen’s (kok) state secretary Laura Rissanen chaired the working group investigating continuous learning during the working career. Susanna Kekkonen The government’s … Read more

Kiira Korpi left for the United States: “We will stay here for a couple of months” – 2024-04-09 12:24:11

Kiira Korpi left for the United States: “We will stay here for a couple of months”
 – 2024-04-09 12:24:11

Kiira Korpi went with her dog Pika to the Jenks. Kiira Korpi plans to be away from Finland for a few months. Timo Korhonen Kiira Korpi says on her Instagram account that she has traveled Pika– with his dog to the United States. Korpi writes that the plane trip with Pika dog to the other … Read more

Violent young people removed from schools if necessary – A separate service unit will be established – 2024-04-07 19:11:16

Violent young people removed from schools if necessary – A separate service unit will be established
 – 2024-04-07 19:11:16

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (Kok) wants violent young people to be taken out of schools and into separate hybrid units offering multi-professional help. Prime Minister Petteri Orpo proposed measures at Yle to prevent school shootings and bullying. petteri paalasmaa Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (kok) told Yle at the Prime Minister’s interview session about the actions … Read more

This is how the actors of the Goal Kingdom trained themselves to become soccer players

This is how the actors of the Goal Kingdom trained themselves to become soccer players

The second season of Gólkirályság was filmed last summer, at the Dunaharaszti soccer field, in sweltering heat. “It’s as if we’ve arrived home, as if a year hadn’t passed,” said Rozi Lovas, who plays coach Tóni Szabó. The last part of the first season ended with the all-deciding match, the stake was whether the team … Read more