Processional processions from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday – Publinews – 2024-04-04 09:29:43

Processional processions from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday – Publinews
 – 2024-04-04 09:29:43

Holy Week, the most intense liturgical moment of the year for the Catholic Church, arrived once again in our country with a congregation that turns to the streets, avenues, neighborhoods and, in short, almost anywhere in the country to experience popular religiosity. . This week goes even beyond the processional processions and their admiration as … Read more

Catholics in Belarus may not abstain from meat dishes on Friday, March 8 | Society

Catholics in Belarus may not abstain from meat dishes on Friday, March 8 |  Society

Believers of the Minsk-Mogilev Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Belarus were allowed not to abstain from eating meat dishes on Friday, March 8. This follows from information Roman Catholic Church in Belarus. They explained that according to the Code of Canon Law, abstinence from meat dishes should be observed on all Fridays throughout … Read more

Pokémon Go Celebrates Day of the Dead with a Global Perspective and City Safari Event in Mexico City

Pokémon Go Celebrates Day of the Dead with a Global Perspective and City Safari Event in Mexico City

01 MIN 00 SEG Carlos F. Guevara Mexico City (October 31, 2023) .-12:43 hrs Pokémon Gothe video game developed by Niantic for devices iOS y Androidjoins the celebrations of Day of the Dead from a global perspective, will later carry out in Mexico City the City Safaria virtual event where players will be able to … Read more

The Complex Relationship Between Bulgarian Culture and Christianity

The Complex Relationship Between Bulgarian Culture and Christianity

Let’s face it – we are not one of the most religious nations. In our everyday life, we rarely think of the Christian faith. We usually superstitiously “knock on wood” and garnish it with a “God forbid!” and “God forbid!”. If we really want something to come true for us, we often say “God bless” … Read more

10 Fascinating Wedding Rituals from Ancient History That Will Leave You Speechless!

10 Fascinating Wedding Rituals from Ancient History That Will Leave You Speechless!

For couples around the world, their wedding day is one of the most unforgettable moments in their life. Whether it’s a lavish affair or a simple ceremony, it marks the start of their eternal bond. But in ancient times, weddings were not always so joyful, often filled with quirky and unique rituals that are both … Read more

World Cervical Cancer Day highlights the significance of HPV screening and vaccination for health.

World Cervical Cancer Day highlights the significance of HPV screening and vaccination for health.

The Ministry of Health, Consumption and the Interior has joined for another year the commemoration of the World Cervical Cancer Day tomorrow Sunday, March 26, recalling the need to raise awareness about the importance of its prevention, by promoting healthy lifestyle habits and early vaccination against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV); as well as having an … Read more

Health incorporates vaccination against Herpes Zoster to those born between 1943 and 1947

Health incorporates vaccination against Herpes Zoster to those born between 1943 and 1947

The Ministry of Health, Consumption and the Interior will incorporate systematic vaccination against herpes zoster (HZ) for people born between 1943 and 1947, both included, following the latest recommendations of the Public Health Commission in this regard. Following these recommendations, the University Hospital of Ceuta and the health centers authorized by the Ministry as vaccination … Read more

Chocolate with cakes on the hill for snacks in Santa Águeda and Santa Apolonia

Chocolate with cakes on the hill for snacks in Santa Águeda and Santa Apolonia

On the occasion of the festivities of Santa Águeda and Santa Polonia, on February 5 and 9, the Brotherhood of San Isidro has organized a series of events in his honor, with the aim of recovering the traditional snacks and incidentally raising funds for a solidarity end. On snack days, the hermitage of San Isidro … Read more