Toxic substance in canned tuna.. A report that raises alarm bells

Toxic substance in canned tuna.. A report that raises alarm bells

A report warned that levels of toxic mercury in canned tuna are “unpredictable”, calling on pregnant women to avoid eating it.. and conducted an organization “Consumer Reports” The American company conducted an investigation, during which it tested 30 cans of tuna from 5 famous brands, and found that each one contained mercury.. She noted that … Read more

Affect the nerves • Observatory newspaper

Affect the nerves • Observatory newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A consultant dermatologist revealed the presence of a toxic and highly dangerous substance in cosmetic products, which is absorbed by the skin and affects the nerves. Dr. Maysa Al-Falah, a dermatologist and cosmetic consultant, said that this substance is lead, explaining that it is a toxic substance that affects nerves and skin. The … Read more