The most distant planet from the sun in the solar system

Illustration of the farthest planet from the sun in the solar system, photo source by David Menidrey on Unsplash – When at night we see a lot of light in the sky, these lights are light from stars or planets. In natural science subjects we have been taught about planets. The planets themselves are part … Read more

NASA Has Captured Detailed Sightings Of The Surface Of The Planet Venus, Here’s The Image

Despite being relatively close to Earth, Venus has proven difficult to study. Venus is also known as Earth’s “evil twin”. This is none other than because Venus is similar to Earth, both in size, mass, structure, and composition. But it is very uninhabitable. Earth has a temperate and wet climate. While Venus is dry and … Read more

Order of the Planets from the Sun from Nearest to Farthest

Illustration of the order of the planets from the Sun. Photo: – In the system Solar system which is occupied by various objects, such as one star and eight planets. These eight planets are constantly moving around the star called the Sun. However, did you know the order of the planets from the sun … Read more

NASA’s Curiosity Robot Finds Evidence of Past Life on Mars

However, when the Curiosity robot took two samples of ancient mudstone — a sedimentary rock containing clay — from a drying lake bottom, the researchers found that one rock sample contained half the amount of the mineral. In contrast, the sediment contains more iron oxide, the compound that gives Mars its rust color. – .

What Discoveries Made by Galileo Galilei? This is the answer

What discoveries did Galileo Galilei make? Photo: Unsplash – Galileo Galilei is a scientist who became legendary because invention– his discovery. Until now, the figure of Galileo is often referred to as the father of modern astronomy.— Citing the book Big Idea: Galileo & the Solar System written by Paul Strathern, Galileo was a figure … Read more

What Happens If The Orbits Of The Planets Are Irregular?

What happens if the orbits of the planets are irregular? Photo: Unsplash – Every planet have their own trajectories or orbits. This line serves to keep the distance between the planets ideal.— The existence of the orbit itself was first discovered through Kepler’s laws popularized by Johannes Kepler. — Quoting module Planetary Motion in the … Read more

What Factors Keep the Planets From Colliding in the Solar System?

What factors keep the planets from colliding in the solar system. Photo: Unsplash – Solar system consists of various kinds of celestial bodies in it, one of which is a planet.— In the solar system itself, there are various kinds of planets. Quoting a book Thematic 6I: Exploring Space Beyond the 2013 Curriculum, the solar … Read more