The sleeping driver drives along the motorway at 110 km/h for fifteen minutes

The sleeping driver drives along the motorway at 110 km/h for fifteen minutes

Mark Verch | flickr | Creative Commons 2.0 by ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 05:21 Police in Germany pulled a motorist who had fallen asleep on the highway off the road and continued driving for another 15 minutes. The officers tried to wake the man up with a horn, but it took them a while to succeed. The notable … Read more

Samantha Harvey: “The Year Without Sleep” – Writing can be like dreaming

Samantha Harvey: “The Year Without Sleep” – Writing can be like dreaming

Author Samantha Harvey has published four novels. However, the British woman’s work is weighed down by a very heavy burden: she often cannot sleep. To escape the heavy thoughts of those periods of insomnia, she started writing at night: “Now I could do something constructive with it by writing sentences and transforming what was happening … Read more

When sleep also trains in competitive sports | Sports | DW extension

When sleep also trains in competitive sports |  Sports |  DW extension

Good, restful sleep is of enormous importance to top athletes and can lead to a performance increase of up to three percent – ​​this can be the difference between victory and defeat in some sports. During sleep, muscles regenerate and grow, movements or other things are internalized, and mental strength is gained. Lack of sleep … Read more

It turns out that they influence each other What is the relationship between sleep and lung cancer?

It turns out that they influence each other What is the relationship between sleep and lung cancer?

In addition to how insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea may contribute to the development of lung cancer, the opposite may also be true. Lung cancer can cause and exacerbate both of these conditions. 1. Insomnia Some lung cancer symptoms and treatment side effects can make it difficult for people to fall asleep or get a … Read more