The Vilvi Group is starting to build a 50 million euro cheese factory in Latvia

The Vilvi Group is starting to build a 50 million euro cheese factory in Latvia

The Baltic milk processing group “Vilvi Group” has started a EUR 50 million cheese production plant with increased capacity, the company’s general director, Gintars Bertašus, told LETA group. He says that the construction company opened the new cheese factory in Bauska by pressing a symbolic capsule. Also, additional production capacity will be built on the … Read more

PVD has recalled karkade petal tea of ​​Egyptian and Nigerian origin from the market

PVD has recalled karkade petal tea of ​​Egyptian and Nigerian origin from the market

The Food and Veterinary Service (PVD) has recalled karkade petal tea of ​​Egyptian and Nigerian origin from the market, as it was found to have exceeded the permitted level of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, according to the information published by the service. PVD discovered that the permitted level of pyrrolizidine alkaloids was exceeded during laboratory control of … Read more