Kuwaiti Woman Criticizes Women Pressuring Husbands to Travel: Focus on Family Stability

Kuwaiti Woman Criticizes Women Pressuring Husbands to Travel: Focus on Family Stability

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Tweeters circulated on social media, a Kuwaiti woman criticizing women who pressure their husbands to travel. And the lady appeared in a video clip projected on these women, saying: “We must travel every year, my cousins ​​and sisters are travelers,” then she referred to the countries that women choose to go to, such … Read more

Jonathan Matsumoto Joins Krefeld Penguins: A Valuable Addition to the DEL2 Season

Jonathan Matsumoto Joins Krefeld Penguins: A Valuable Addition to the DEL2 Season

Wow! Jonathan “Jo” Matsumoto will wear the jersey of the Krefeld Penguins in the coming DEL2 season and occupy the still open center position. Even though the German-Canadian, who has had German citizenship since September, turns 37 in October, he is considered a valuable addition to the newly formed team. He was most recently under … Read more

Bordeaux Seeks Postponement of DNCG Hearing for Additional Preparation Time

Bordeaux Seeks Postponement of DNCG Hearing for Additional Preparation Time

© Iconsport Additional preparation time desired The FCGB hearing must take place before the DNCG on Thursday 22 June in order to validate the accounts for the current financial year and present financial guarantees for the following one. Moreover, in the face of “the Bordeaux-Rodez affair“which has mobilized its resources, Bordeaux hopes to postpone its … Read more

Malcom Bokele selected for Cameroon national team’s USA camp and friendly match against Mexico

Malcom Bokele selected for Cameroon national team’s USA camp and friendly match against Mexico

© Iconsport Thus, the Bordelais was selected by Cameroon coach Rigobert Song to participate in the preparation camp in the USA. This rally will be punctuated by a friendly match against Mexico on June 10 in San Diego (USA). Malcom Bokele should celebrate a new selection. The list of selected players: >> Girondins: “We take … Read more

Vox presents over 50 candidates in Guadalajara for upcoming elections

Vox presents over 50 candidates in Guadalajara for upcoming elections

He reports that more than fifty applications have been submitted in the province. From left to right: Iván Serrano, candidate for Cortes CLM; Javier Toquero, candidate for the Guadalajara city council; the national deputy José María Sánchez and David Moreno candidate for the presidency of CLM. Photo GUdiary. On Sunday morning, Vox presented its candidates … Read more

“Spiel und Sport 08 Krefeld Celebrates 115th Anniversary with Youth Sports Weeks, City Championships, and Day of Legends 2.0”

“Spiel und Sport 08 Krefeld Celebrates 115th Anniversary with Youth Sports Weeks, City Championships, and Day of Legends 2.0”

What do FC Augsburg and the Club for Games and Sport Krefeld have in common? The founding year 1908. However, the similarities are already over then, because while Bayern play in the Bundesliga, SUS 08 kicks in the district league B. A reason to celebrate anyway. The club was founded in 1908 as a Crefeld … Read more

Fraudsters offer Kazakhstanis to withdraw money from UAPF accounts

Fraudsters offer Kazakhstanis to withdraw money from UAPF accounts

UAPF informs its contributors and recipients about the increasing cases of fraudsters sending false information on social networks, NewTimes.kz reports. Fraudsters, using social networks and mailings via WhatsArp, write about the possibility of withdrawing pension savings from June to September of the current year without taking into account the threshold for the minimum adequacy of … Read more

Young Aussies prioritize hobbies over buying homes and taking out loans

Young Aussies prioritize hobbies over buying homes and taking out loans

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s important to take a moment to unwind and pursue activities that bring us joy. More and more, Millennials are recognizing the importance of hobbies and habits as a way to de-stress and find balance in their lives. From knitting to gaming, this generation is splurging on surprising items in the … Read more

Facebook does not want to be left behind and updates the duration of its ‘reels’

Facebook does not want to be left behind and updates the duration of its ‘reels’

We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Some of our partners may process … Read more

PSG: inseparable, Mbappé and Hakimi are in the USA

PSG: inseparable, Mbappé and Hakimi are in the USA

As mentioned in recent days, Christophe Galtier has decided to put an end to Kylian Mbappe et Achrafi Hakimi income very quickly from the World Cup. The two players were sent off for ten days and will therefore miss the 32nd Coupe de France final against Châteauroux and possibly the match against Angers on 11 … Read more