Israeli Aggression in Gaza: 79th Day Becomes Deadliest for Occupation Army

Israeli Aggression in Gaza: 79th Day Becomes Deadliest for Occupation Army

Monday, December 25, 2023 12:19 AM The 79th day of the brutal Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip will be the harshest on the occupation army since the beginning of the war on October 7th. The Israeli army announced the killing of an armored officer in the 79th Battalion during the battles in the northern … Read more

Netanyahu’s Insistence on Winning the War: International Pressure and Public Opinion

Netanyahu’s Insistence on Winning the War: International Pressure and Public Opinion

In the face of increasing international pressure to stop the fighting and increase the flow of aid to the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been issuing video statements for days confirming his insistence on winning the war. “Anyone who thinks we will stop is disconnected from reality,” he said this week. Netanyahu’s popularity … Read more

Israeli Occupation Threatens Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza

Israeli Occupation Threatens Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza

Ahmed Alawi Friday, December 15, 2023 08:58 AM The Director General of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Munir Al-Bursh, warned that “the Israeli occupation may commit a massacre at Kamal Adwan Hospital in the coming hours.” Al-Barsh said that the Israeli occupation forced the Kamal Adwan Hospital staff and patients to go down to … Read more

World Health: The spread of infectious diseases in Gaza and hospitals have become battlefields – Youm7

World Health: The spread of infectious diseases in Gaza and hospitals have become battlefields – Youm7

Written by Amal Allam Sunday, December 10, 2023 11:22 PM Dr. Ahmed Al-Mandhari, Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean at the World Health Organization, said during the special session on health conditions in… Palestinian land Occupied: The WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, which suffers from some of the worst humanitarian emergencies in the world, lives in … Read more

Ismail Haniyeh to “Cairo News”: The current battle is unprecedented and we have achieved great goals in it – Youm7

Ismail Haniyeh to “Cairo News”: The current battle is unprecedented and we have achieved great goals in it – Youm7

Ramy Mohy El-Din Wednesday, December 6, 2023 08:31 PM Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, said that the battle in Gaza was unprecedented, and carried great goals on the scale of the Palestinian issue, and on the scale of the nature of the conflict that took place between us and … Read more