Russia creates a drug that stops the multiplication of coronavirus

Russia creates a drug that stops the multiplication of coronavirus Russia creates a drug that stops the multiplication of coronavirus In Russia, a drug is being developed for COVID-19, which will purposefully stop the multiplication of the virus while it is at the stage of preclinical trials, … RIA Novosti, 17.10. 2020-10-17T00:24 2020-10-17T00:24 2020-10-17T00:38 the spread of the new coronavirus coronavirus in Russia coronavirus … Read more

The Ministry of Health clarified data on the incubation period of coronavirus

The Ministry of Health clarified data on the incubation period of coronavirus

MOSCOW, April 16 – RIA News. The incubation period of coronavirus infection can be more than 14 days, follows from the presentation to the speech of the chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health Elena Malinnikova at the online meeting of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the … Read more

Dangerous effects of coronavirus infection have been named

Dangerous effects of coronavirus infection have been named

MOSCOW, April 10 – RIA News. Coronavirus COVID-19, like other similar viruses, greatly weakens the protection of the human body, which can cause other pathologies. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, virologist Felix Ershov told about this to “Evening Moscow”.– “The virus suppresses the immune system, so an additional so-called somatic pathology can be … Read more

A mini-moon was found near the Earth – RIA Novosti, 02/26/2020

A mini-moon was found near the Earth – RIA Novosti, 02/26/2020

MOSCOW, Feb 26 – RIA News. Small asteroid 2020 CD3 temporarily transformed into a new natural satellite Earth, reported in a circular of the Center for Minor Planets of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.– “Integrations of the orbits indicate that this object is temporarily attached to the Earth. There were no signs of disturbances caused by … Read more