Indian Police Arrest Main Mastermind in Udaipur Tailor Beheading Case

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Police India reported to have arrested the main actor behind the beheading case of a religious tailor Hindu di Udaipur, Rajasthan. Police official statements state that two Muslim men from northwestern India have been identified as the main masterminds behind the crime. “We have arrested the two main masterminds as well … Read more

The aftermath of supporters of the Prophet’s insults were beheaded, making India more tangled

Jakarta – The aftermath of a supporting murder case Nupur Sharma, who allegedly insulted the Prophet Muhammad SAW made India hotter. There was tension in India after the incident. This case occurred when two men in India sadistically beheaded a man, Kanhaiya Lal, who was said to be defending an insult to the prophet in … Read more

India Gets Hot Tail Insult of Prophet Muhammad

Jakarta – Controversy over the statement of party officials in India considered insulting Nabi Muhammad SAW keep rolling. Instead of subsided, the aftermath of the polemic actually made India’s atmosphere even more heated. Summarized detik.comOn Monday (13/6/2022), a number of Muslims took to the streets to protest anti-Islam comments made by two members of the … Read more

UK fires Muslim imam over protest over Prophet Muhammad’s children’s film

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — English sacked a Muslim imam, Qari Asim, from a government advisory post for inciting a wave of protests against films about children the Prophet Muhammad. The British government conveyed this dismissal directly through a letter to Asim on Saturday (11/6). According to them, Asim’s statement about the film “The Lady of … Read more

Political Crisis Due to Prophet Muhammad’s Comments in India Drags Putin’s Name

Jakarta – Russian President Vladimir Putin’s old remarks about the Prophet Muhammad made several years ago, are used out of context amid the ongoing uproar about the Prophet Muhammad in India. On 23 December 2021, Putin said insults to the Prophet Muhammad “are a violation of religious freedom and hurt the feelings of Muslims”. This … Read more

2 People Killed in India During Protest Comments About Prophet Muhammad

Jakarta – Police India shot dead two demonstrators during protests sparked by statements by ruling party officials about Nabi Muhammad SAW. “Police were forced to open fire to disperse the protesters and bullets hit some of them, resulting in the death of two people,” a police officer in Ranchi city told AFP. AFP, Saturday (11/6/2022). … Read more

Insulting Prophet Muhammad, Indian Politician Sentenced

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Two politicians India which is insulting Nabi Muhammad SAW received a suspension from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Nupur Sharma and Naveen Kumar Jindal are members of the BJP. Sharma served as spokesman, while Jidal was head of media operations. Both of them hurled words that insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Sharma … Read more

Chronology of Indian Politicians Insulting Prophet Muhammad

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — National Spokesperson Partai Bharatiya Janata (BJP), Nupur Sharma and BJP’s Head of Media Operations, Delhi Naveen Kumar Jindal, issued derogatory comments Nabi Muhammad SAW and his wife Aisha. Sharma insulted the Prophet Muhammad SAW in a debate on a television station last week. Meanwhile, Jindal was reported to have posted a … Read more

The Origins of the Kingdom of Jordan Believed to be Descendants of the Prophet Muhammad

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Kings Jordan believed to be part of the descendants the Prophet Muhammad. The kingdom is located in the southwest region of Asia and the Arabian Peninsula region. Most ethnic groups in Jordan are Arabs. Meanwhile, Arabic is the official language of the country. So, how is this country in southwest Asia … Read more