The lecture will still follow the student online

The lecture will still follow the student online

Spoiler for students who still hope for normal lectures after the summer: that’s not going to happen. Even if there is a vaccine against corona. The future of higher education is “blended”, according to a survey of NRC long universities and colleges. Also heard a lot: “hybrid”. It means the same thing: students now receive … Read more

All that extra attention is not always fun for pets

All that extra attention is not always fun for pets

A cat on the keyboard or a dog at your feet to spice up that boring meeting. Now we can keep an office at home. A dog or cat is cozy and that is quite pleasant, especially when adolescents and partners become increasingly cranky after months at home. And: a dog is a good reason … Read more

“I already have Q, I don’t want C too”

“I already have Q, I don’t want C too”

For Deverra Jansen (45), the coronavirus outbreak is “reliving a trauma”. Jansen received complaints in 2007 that turned out to be Q fever. As a result, she had to quit her job as a management assistant; she is too tired to work. When the coronavirus emerged, the parallel was drawn quickly. “It hurts me that … Read more

Why is the number of infections in Africa so low?

Why is the number of infections in Africa so low?

When South Africa’s chief epidemiologist, Professor Salim Abdool Karim has arrived at his ninth slide, he pauses. That way, everyone can take in the curious difference between the north and south of the world during the Covid-19 outbreak. In orange the steep curve of the United Kingdom, now with nearly 90,000 infections and more than … Read more

Do not puncture immediately but scan if you suspect prostate cancer

Do not puncture immediately but scan if you suspect prostate cancer

Dutch hospitals have been working since Wednesday with a new guideline for the treatment of prostate cancer. This new protocol prescribes that men whose blood shows an indication of the presence of prostate cancer will in principle first receive an MRI scan. Earlier, in such a case, 12 samples were taken immediately to examine tissue. … Read more

“We are well prepared for coronavirus as the Netherlands”

“We are well prepared for coronavirus as the Netherlands”

Monday, January 27, 2020, 5:51 PM – – There are great concerns about the corona virus. Nevertheless, according to Marion Koopmans, professor of virology at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, we as Dutch people do not have to worry immediately. – “It is not likely that the virus will come to the Netherlands.” Still, she is … Read more

More than 20 million foreign tourists visited the Netherlands NOW

Last year, more foreign tourists came to the Netherlands, around 20.1 million. That is an increase of 7 percent compared to a year earlier, according to figures from NBTC. More than half (55 percent) of the visitors came from the countries closest to us: Germany, Belgium and the United Kingdom. The number of visitors from … Read more

Coalition also halts Dutch mission in northern Iraq due to tensions | NOW

The international coalition in Iraq has also decided to halt the Dutch training mission in northern Iraq due to the tensions between Iran and the US. That was decided on Sunday, reports the Ministry of Defense to At first it only seemed to be about stopping a smaller Dutch mission in Baghdad. About fifty … Read more