Dutch Minister of Justice wants to reduce corona fines ….

Dutch Minister of Justice wants to reduce corona fines ….

Ferdinand Grapperhaus Photo: REUTERS – An upset Minister of Justice and Security Ferdinand Grapperhaus has gone through the dust in the Dutch parliament, after new photos show that corona rules were violated at his wedding. During his apology, he shot up. “I misjudged it.” In addition, the minister is considering suddenly relaxing penalties for violations … Read more

Corona epidemic is spreading to the east of the country

Corona epidemic is spreading to the east of the country

The situation surrounding the corona epidemic hardly seems to have changed in recent weeks: the number of new infections has remained practically the same (it has been at over 3,500 for weeks, the number of ‘clusters’ (at least three infections that can be linked together) is exactly the same this week. to last week’s – … Read more

Kellner was fifth at the show jumping Grand Prix in Prague

Kellner was fifth at the show jumping Grand Prix in Prague

Anna Kellnerová finished fifth at the Grand Prix of the International Jumping Competition (CSIO) in Prague. The Czech national team rode two clean bikes with the mare Catch Me If You Can. The time of 45.59 seconds from the final round put her in fifth place. Belgian Gudrun Patteet won in the saddle of the … Read more

Dutch prime minister plans no excuses for slavery, but he …

Dutch prime minister plans no excuses for slavery, but he …

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte does not want to apologize for the slavery past of the Netherlands. He says that apologies do not help the social debate any further, but rather lead to polarization. – “It is not a strange request,” says the prime minister. But it will fuel the contradictions in society, while he … Read more

NPO employees want permanent contracts

NPO employees want permanent contracts

A group of employees from various public broadcasters has sent an open letter to NPO chairman Shula Rijxman, calling on them to issue more permanent contracts. Also read: FNV member Zakaria Boufangacha: ‘Job security is our top priority’ In the open letter, the employees write that they sometimes work for a broadcaster for more than … Read more

“Animal Freedom”: Animal breeding should be completely stopped in Latvia as well as in the Netherlands – Animals – Apollo.lv – Green life

“Animal Freedom”: Animal breeding should be completely stopped in Latvia as well as in the Netherlands – Animals – Apollo.lv – Green life

She mentioned that “Animal Freedom” has long indicated the need to ban the breeding of animals for fur production in Latvia. Among other things, signatures are currently being collected for submitting a petition to the Saeima in order to prohibit by law the breeding of animals in zoos for obtaining fur and decorative clothing items. … Read more

Air for owner Steps and Miss Etam

Air for owner Steps and Miss Etam

Finally a little bit of good news for the Belgian fashion group FNG. On Friday, three groups of bondholders of the company, owner of fashion chains Miss Etam, Claudia Sträter and Steps, also operating in the Netherlands, agreed to defer payment. For all bonds maturing in 2021, totaling 20 million euros, FNG will not have … Read more

Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer on the lessons of the lockdown: it was impossible to do the right thing

Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer on the lessons of the lockdown: it was impossible to do the right thing

It was Stella’s idea, as all really good ideas come from her. It was the first week of March. It became clear that the Lombardy region of northern Italy, not far from Genoa, where I live, had become an uncontrollable source of contamination from the new virus SARS-CoV-2, which had spread from China. The hospitals … Read more