Can I Get a Loan to Purchase a Quadplex with No Income?

Can I Get a Loan to Purchase a Quadplex with No Income?

First of all, I’m a complete beginner, I know almost nothing and I expect to be made fun of. Here’s my question: I currently live with my girlfriend. I was looking for houses and found a very nice quadplex that was just renovated. I run two businesses, but I personally have no source of income. … Read more

The 30-Year Journey of H-Shares: Mainland Companies Dominate Hong Kong Stock Market With 80% Market Value Share

(Original title: 323 H-shares have been listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for 30 years. The total market value of mainland companies accounts for nearly 80% of the Hong Kong stock market) On August 22, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange held a ceremony to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the H-share listing. It has … Read more

Introducing the “Microsoft Loop” App: A Powerful Collaboration Tool Available on the Microsoft Store

Introducing the “Microsoft Loop” App: A Powerful Collaboration Tool Available on the Microsoft Store

“Microsoft Loop” App Appears in “Microsoft Store” US Microsoft announced on August 1 (Japan time) that it released the “Microsoft Loop” app at the “Microsoft Store”. It supports “Windows 10 version 21H2” or later and can be downloaded for free now. “Microsoft Loop” is a collaboration app that is seen as a rival to “Notion.” … Read more

Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets Fluctuate on First Trading Day in May

On the first trading day in May, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets fluctuated and diverged, the Shanghai Index continued to rebound, and the ChiNext Index ushered in an adjustment. On the disk, the media and game sectors set off another wave of daily limit, the big financial sector was strong throughout the day, the … Read more

Sergei Petkov: Under my window in Kyiv APC ran over a car of an ordinary person (Video)

– – Sergey Petkov – “The armored personnel carrier, which you may have seen on the Internet, ran over a car with an ordinary citizen in it. All this happened under my window,” Sergei Petkov, writer, academician, journalist, public figure, told BNT about the situation in Kyiv. He is involved in volunteering, transporting people and … Read more

Viktor Stoyanov initially refused to take part in the “Bachelor”, but his mother encouraged him

Because of a girl learned from Internet to knit and sent a blanket “The bachelor team reports that after the broadcast of the first episode, the show will be called ‘The Flood,’” I watched “The Bachelor,” and I thought it wasn’t bad to be alone. Such jokes and taunts poured into social networks after the … Read more

Brigitte Macron is suing two women for slandering her for being transsexual

– – Brigitte Macron PHOTO Reuters – France’s first lady Brigitte Macron has filed a lawsuit in Paris against two women who spread false allegations on the Internet that she was transsexual, BTA reported. The first court hearing in the case is scheduled for June 15 in the court in Paris. The two women against … Read more

Protests in Kazakhstan hit bitcoin

Bitcoin crashes below $ 43 thousand for the first time since September – – Protests, Internet shutdowns and new additional taxes for cryptocurrency miners – these reasons drive miners from Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, the shutdown of the Internet during protests hit not only the bitcoin rate itself, but the second largest mining center for this … Read more

A man searches for his love on the Internet

– – Adrian Gadjalov Photo: Facebook – Adrian Gadjalov from Plovdiv is looking for love on the Internet and posted a post on Facebook: “I’m looking for my girlfriend, they say that whoever is looking finds. I’m looking for you, but you’re gone. Show yourself!” It is clear from his profile that in October last … Read more