Lost Tool Bag Floating in Space: How to Spot it with Binoculars

Lost Tool Bag Floating in Space: How to Spot it with Binoculars

Two astronauts from the ISS took a spacewalk around their space station. They accidentally released a tool bag. It is now floating through space. And the great thing: you can see it with simple binoculars. It was astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O’Hara who left the bag behind during their trip through space. It is … Read more

The Link Between Obesity and Neurodegenerative Disorders: New Study Findings

The Link Between Obesity and Neurodegenerative Disorders: New Study Findings

Obesity significantly increases the risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, a new study warns. Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center have discovered a link between obesity and insulin resistance in the brain. The team found that a diet high in sugar leads to insulin resistance in the brain, … Read more

The Health Benefits of Coffee: What Dutch Researchers Have Discovered

The Health Benefits of Coffee: What Dutch Researchers Have Discovered

Enjoy your cup of comfort, because coffee is healthy. Dutch researchers now also have this demonstrated. And you don’t even have to stick to one cup. No, more is better. Until about four cups then. Scientists from Wageningen University and UMC Groningen examined more than 80,000 test subjects, most of whom liked a coffee. They … Read more

The Gut-Brain Connection: How Intestinal Microbes Influence Mood, Cognition, and Behavior

The Gut-Brain Connection: How Intestinal Microbes Influence Mood, Cognition, and Behavior

Our intestines and brain are closely connected. The complex network of nerves and microbes in our gut, also known as the ‘gut brain’ or ‘2nd brain’, influences our mood, cognition and behavior. Communication between the intestines and the brain takes place via electrical wires (autonomous nerve fibers) and messenger substances such as neurotransmitters and hormones … Read more

Russian Soldiers Shoot Ukrainian Family: Tragic Crime in Ukraine Sparks International Concern

Russian Soldiers Shoot Ukrainian Family: Tragic Crime in Ukraine Sparks International Concern

The Russians have another terrible crime up their sleeve. At the end of October, Russian soldiers shot a Ukrainian family of nine who refused to give them their house. Among those shot are two children born in 2014 and 2018. In this situation, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and US Secretary of State Antony … Read more

Ways to Prevent and Alleviate a Sore Throat: Tips and Remedies

Ways to Prevent and Alleviate a Sore Throat: Tips and Remedies

It’s gray and cold outside; Before you know it you wake up with a sore throat. What is the best thing to do to prevent a sore throat or nip the sick, weak and nauseous condition in the bud? Good night Give your health a big boost by getting (more than) enough sleep. Your immune … Read more

The Impact of Emotional Stress on Heart Health: Insights from Cardiologist Janneke Wittekoek

The Impact of Emotional Stress on Heart Health: Insights from Cardiologist Janneke Wittekoek

Cardiologist Janneke Wittekoek warns in HLN about the role that emotional stress, such as relationship stress or grief, plays in heart disease. She highlights the significant impact of stress on the heart, with emotional stress playing a crucial role in a third of all heart attacks. It is conventional wisdom that stress is bad for … Read more

Common Foods That Cause Flatulence: Beans, Carbonated Drinks, Fiber-Rich Foods, Dairy, Artificial Sweeteners, and Certain Vegetables

Common Foods That Cause Flatulence: Beans, Carbonated Drinks, Fiber-Rich Foods, Dairy, Artificial Sweeteners, and Certain Vegetables

There are several foods that can cause flatulence. One of these foods is beans. Beans contain complex carbohydrates that are difficult to digest, which can cause gas formation in the intestines. So it’s not surprising that beans are often associated with flatulence. Other legumes, such as lentils and chickpeas, can also have a similar effect. … Read more

The Importance of Nutrient Order in Achieving Optimal Health

The Importance of Nutrient Order in Achieving Optimal Health

Everyone has learned that it is important to eat healthy and that certain nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and proteins are essential for our health. But does it matter in which order we eat our nutrients? The answer is yes, it certainly makes a difference. To start, we need to understand how our bodies process … Read more

Fit But Fat: The Surprising Health Benefits of Being Metabolically Healthy Obesity

Fit But Fat: The Surprising Health Benefits of Being Metabolically Healthy Obesity

Recent research shows that a quarter of English women and one in ten middle-aged men are ‘fit but fat’, meaning they are obese according to their BMI but do not experience health complications such as high blood sugar, high cholesterol or high blood pressure , writes The Times. The term “fit but fat” is sometimes … Read more