Juan Martino broke the silence and spoke about the abuse complaint made against him by Flor Moyano: “It wasn’t…”

Juan Martino broke the silence and spoke about the abuse complaint made against him by Flor Moyano: “It wasn’t…”

Last summer a scandal broke out in The Celebrity Hotel 2 after Flor Moyano sued Juan Martino, a teammate of the reality show, for sexual abuse with carnal access. At that time, the production of the program hosted by Pampita and El Chino Leunis decided to remove journalist Majo Martino’s brother from the competition, while … Read more

Because Charlotte Caniggia left the Hotel de los Famosos a few hours after the program started

Missing less and less at the beginning of the second season of El Hotel de los Famosos and the first strong controversy has already arisen. In addition to leaking who will be the first to be eliminated, it is also learned that two participants have left of their own free will. The production of the … Read more

Nai Awada exploded against Emily Lucius for her position in The hotel of the famous

The accommodating attitude Emily Lucius with the members of “The family” of The famous hotel in prejudice of Locho Locasano aroused the wrath of Nai Awadawho in a radio interview He asked to “cancel it” for his “outrageous” behavior. “To Emily, don’t cross me, because what she does is outrageous. The harassment and mistreatment they … Read more

“The Hotel of the Famous”: the desperate request of the family of Martín Salwe | DailyShow

Martin Salwe is one of the characters “The hotel of the famous” that generates a lot of repercussion in the followers of reality. Many of the participants leave the contest speak ill of himas well as women who had bad experiences with the announcer of El Trece. Such is the bad image that is being … Read more

Rating: how much did “The Hotel of the Famous” measure with the elimination of Lissa Vera | DailyShow

“The Hotel of the Famous” it’s getting hotter. The alliance of “The Family”, the love between Alex Caniggia and Melody Luz y the war against Locho Locasano are some strong points that are seen at this time. In addition, two of the participants must face each other every Monday in the H. In this case, … Read more

Decisive changes are coming in “The hotel of the famous”

After several months on the screen of El Trece, “The famous hotel” managed to gain the attention of thousands of viewers who follow the reality show alternatives night after night. The controversial attitudes of some participants in the contest they generated a lot of commotion and made what happens in “El hotel” become one of … Read more

The delicate reason why Silvina Luna could be forced to leave The hotel of the famous

Written in TELEVISION the 26/3/2022 · 17:05 hs – Last Monday began on the screen of Eltrece, The famous hotel. The reality show has 16 figures competing with each other, in a program where there are many physical challenges. Silvina Moon is one of the figures of the new cycle leading pampita and the chinese … Read more