Bruno Hourcade (Les Traîtres) reveals the unexpected show he would like to participate in

Bruno Hourcade (Les Traîtres) reveals the unexpected show he would like to participate in

After having been for a long time the greatest champion of 12 noon strikesBruno Hourcade has decided to take on a new challenge: winning the third season of the show The Traitorsbroadcast on M6 since August 15. Questioned by TV 7 daysBruno revealed which other game he would like to participate in. The third season … Read more

12 Coups de Midi: The Mysterious Star of August Revealed, Find Out Which French Star Is Hiding There

12 Coups de Midi: The Mysterious Star of August Revealed, Find Out Which French Star Is Hiding There

Soon a twelfth mysterious star for Emilien? The prodigy of 12 noon strikes is getting closer every day and this Tuesday, August 13, he discovered the last boxes of the mysterious star. Even if he could not suggest a name, we now know which celebrity is hiding there! The days follow one another and are … Read more